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Aaron C-T

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Everything posted by Aaron C-T

  1. Yea yea yea welcome something about hope you lik- whaever.. onto the real situation here: .. Shadix is female? o.O
  2. Wow. I'm kinda hoping Rockstar has heard that comment and decides to do a little "test" to see just how much Sony needs GTA. It'd be awesome if they made it X360 exclusive as a slap in the face. I mean sure Sony still has other console killer titles like oh.. I dunno.. Final Fantasy? But GTA was a pretty big one. What grown man doesn't like to shoot people in realistic scenes and not get arrested for it? ... Well. Now that I say it, that seems kind of bizarre. But whatever. It may not hurt them bigtime where they'll lose like.. billions of dollars, but it will affect them in some way. This "not at all" crap is stupid.
  3. xD What kinda screwed up saying is that? Thanks for all the comments. And as far as what it was rendered in. I used both Blender Internal and Yafray and then layered the 2 ontop of each other in Photoshop Elements.
  4. o.O Dude. Go into Notepad. And copy only the blue letters in the order they're currently in. It's a web address and you'll find that what you're looking for will be quite free and quite illegal. >.<
  5. Update: Need comments on this: Lord Alavar Character Model- WIP Stylized character modeling (nose, chin, etc), while experimenting with lighting and materials. Character from a story I plan on writing up, and possibly using to try out character animation and rigging. Comments and crits not only welcomed, but needed. Thanks in advance. ------------------------------------- There's already an explanation of what I was trying to do with this piece on my DeviantArt, so I'll just point out a few things that I know people will have a problem with. Namely the Vectorman model. If you don't bother reading the italics, get the heck out the topic. Last time I showed the Vectorman model a lot of people complained about how it "wasn't accurate" and Vectorman "had eyes and not a visor" despite my explanation beforehand. I'm using that same model because for what I was trying to do I was accurate, almost deadly so. This model wasn't supposed to be the way he was in Vectorman 1 or 2 alone. It was a combination of both. Most of my reference came from two 3D shots of Vectorman commissioned by Sega before they went of and totally redesigned him to look like a mech and not an orbot. Those shots can be seen here and here. That should greatly clear things up assuming you at least clicked the bold links or read the italics. So now if you go and complain about it not being authentic, then you just look like a dumbass. Now that that's over, I give you Vectorman: Don't Turn Back. Comments and crits welcome, as always. And please note that there is a difference between saying the model is wrong, and saying that you'd of preferred the completely oldschool versions. I have nothing wrong with that. Damn these smilies own, Zal.
  6. Until I read Streak's post, I thought I had accidentally hit something on my computer. Like that time I hit some button and everything started typing in reverse. xD DW is genius.
  7. Yea sure Duckboy. As you wish! ::rolls eyes::
  8. Haha. I <3 the "Oh Noes" one. "Windows magnifying glass =D" ... that's a tool? xD
  9. "Also, why don't we destroy nuclear weapons? Because we wish to use these machines for war, what else?" I think war just about covers it. Unless they've recently figured out a way of setting off a nuclear weapon that can cure cancer. In which case I'm canceling Road Runner because their news people suck.
  10. ::Reenters topic:: ..I see 3 nice pics already. ^.^ ::shot:: And what Slinger said.
  11. Streak: Yea, but those who break the law shall be shot. >.> DW: ... yea. I suppose. Well.. that's enough of me being stupid for today.
  12. Haha. It's also illegal to be black.. or.. wait. That's over. Why not bother homos?! Heck while I'm at it. Everyone with no left leg, jump in the water and hope you can swim. It's now illegal to have an amputated left leg. All who break said law will be shot on sight- in the right leg.
  13. At least he's got a screenshot. I mean damn. People always complain about nothing ever being made, yet no one wants platform movement, and everyone wants it to meet such and such requirements. Sure platform movement isn't the smoothest or most fun thing out there to play, but with our total count of... 1 game that I can remember for the year (and it was the 1-level Sonic Next thing). I'll say there are maybe.. 5 other games that have been released recently and that's only because I haven't really been keeping up for months now. Meh. Blackarms: Wait till you have screens of the game actually running and not of the MMF environment before posting. You need some grass to cover up that platform, but everything looks pretty cool as far as backgrounds go. The sky is overly awesome... you make it?
  14. I hear Nintendo has plans to release the Wii Advance Xt a year after the Wii release. It'll have support for dual wiimotes, and a DS slot that will act in similar fashion to the GBA Player. The dual wiimotes are for games featuring dual weaponry. Specifically swordplay. PG: There's also something overly cool about getting japanese letters tattoed in big letters on your arm that may very well say "This guy is retarded" rather than "One Smooth Badass." Sereph: ..what exactly did you point out? Other than the fact that you like quoting tons of stuff just to get over the character limit?
  15. "Im sure i would have been horridly banned for even making a topic like this," Nah, you wouldn't have been banned. We do have better things to do than target you for saying "gay." We do have some sort of life. xD On the old board (before the "hack") you would've gotten a warning, like I did for saying it. However, we're being a bit more lenient as of right now. Hopefully people will be mature. The only thing that makes this topic any worse than the other 5 "ombworldend" topics is that it centers around homosexuals, and being that the gay parade is probably a real-life event the only thing offensive is "gaypoclyse." And being that it's spelled wrong and is just so idiotic I doubt it's anywhere near being classified as "offensive." This is sort of like a guy walking up to me and saying I was "one wierd snicker," instead of the "n word." Sure, it's offensive, but I'd laugh for a good five minutes before I hit him with the can of coke.
  16. Hey look. Not only am I still here, but if I survived 6/6/6 with no problems chances are some "Gaypoclyse".. which is spelled wrong by the way.. you're missing an "A" in there, killing me are pretty... I dunno.. so slim it's not there? I here tomorrow a gynorumouslarge donut is going to go rolling through the streets of Manhattan. They're calling it the "GargantuanDunkinDayofDestruction." I advise you all leave Manhattan, as it'll keep rolling along the east coast, some think it will get as far as DC. Run like hell.
  17. Zal: ^.^ And yea. If this gets put on DA, instant favorite from me.
  18. How the hell did I "make your IQ drop", and yet you turn around and say you have no idea what reaming is. Even if you don't know, you should have an idea due to the context it's used in, man.
  19. You know, I first came into this topic expecting it to be about that lame show that is somehow uber popular.
  20. Angels & Airwaves- Valkyrie Missile ^.^
  21. Yea, I know. And umm.. I highly doubt that whole "never" thing. At some point in time, they will. And umm.. tons of real-life movies get by without a "true range of emotions" all the time. Case and point being Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. He never really acts, he's just kinda there saying stuff and making faces like ">E" over and over again. And that's the same way it's been for decades with 2D animation, they've all been "cartoony". ::shrug::
  22. "And yea, i dont hate square as much as i previously did, only because i started to play their games instead of diss them BEFORE i played them, and they were awsome." Hahaha. Wow.. so you argued through like 3 topics, just so you could say they were awesome? Congratulations, you win the ___________ Award. "_______" because I can't think of anything nice to name it. Honestly. Next time you think you have major beef with something- Next time you think you have major beef with something. Think, make sure you actually do. Arguing over multiple topics about how much you hate something and how stupid everyone you know says it is and how it's a bad idea, and you heard such and such is just incredibly idiotic. That's like one of those "he said that she said that your left nipple told him that you didn't want to date her anymore nyarh" things. I mean damn. Edit: And yes, I had to milk this because it was just soooo bad that it's almost impossible for me to register the fact that you now consider it "awesome."
  23. What in the world.. o.O
  24. "It's a whole new forum and nobody is banned." Not true. Well.. I haven't actually heard from the other mods about that, but I'm thinking it's not true. We did that last time and there was that whole picture/sex/etc incident that I think we want to avoid. xD
  25. Hahaha. But can't the same thing be said about ANY kind of animation? And.. yea.. I see what you're saying. But then again- no, I don't. Look at the majority of 3D animation, man. What kind of ratings do they aim for? G? PG? Most 3D animators target a wide audience, but that has nothing to do with the potentional of 3D animation, or how lame it is. Again, that's just how people do it, because that's what selling. I can forgive Pixar for this, because that's how they started and that's what they do, the rest of them though should spread out a bit more. I mean.. if you took an awesome, dark story set on a futuristic, film-noire-meets-cyberpunk surrounding that was stylized (Final Fantasy: Spirits Within.. too much realism is just odd) and had a great story and awesome animation it'd be a good movie. Heck if you took any story idea that wasn't aimed at attracting 4 yr olds, not just my crazy idea of what's cool =P, and did it in 3D it wouldn't be a bad movie simply because it's in 3D. When you have tons of people "ooh-ing" and "aah-ing" like idiots at something as overrated as Ice Age 2, then of course all 3D films will go for that. On an unrelated note: I'm totally excited about Flushed Away. Sure, it's 3D, but it looks like classic Aardman.. only non-flammable. Edit: Maybe I just like animation too much. ::shrug::
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