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Posts posted by Nitemare

  1. Labyrinth Zone, as a child I think that was the most terrifying level from any game that I would try to endure. Without the spindash Sonic feels so sluggish underwater, combined with the claustrophobic design of the level anyway, the fireball enemies where you either had to wait to attack or just avoid them, the rotating spikeballs, arrow traps, occasional switches and a single dastardly spike trap placed underwater at one point that crushes you if you fail to pass quick enough. Everything forced you to take your time underwater, when really that was the last thing you wanted to do.

    .....And then the drown countdown kicks in and everything becomes even more scary. :D

  2. Labyrinth Zone, as a child I think that was the most terrifying level from any game that I would try to endure. Without the spindash Sonic feels so sluggish underwater, combined with the claustrophobic design of the level anyway, the fireball enemies where you either had to wait to attack or just avoid them, the rotating spikeballs, arrow traps, occasional switches and a single dastardly spike trap placed underwater at one point that crushes you if you fail to pass quick enough. Everything forced you to take your time underwater, when really that was the last thing you wanted to do.

    .....And then the drown countdown kicks in and everything becomes even more scary. :D

  3. Thanks everyone, I'm still about occasionally, just been kinda busy with life stuff.

    Girlfriend got me a new phone and microsoft points so I could download Sonic 4 (She had read the iPhone version release date, haha), then we stayed in London for the weekend at a friends house. Was awesome to get away. :D

    I think i'm just losing interest in fangaming, however I've wanted to work on something original for a while now so when that starts up i'll definitely be about more. I think. Maybe!

  4. When coding stuff in MMF Ristar, anything you do in the event editor is 'read' by MMF each frame from top of the event editor to the bottom.

    For instance, you have your sensor positioning events at the top of the list, however then make adjustments to the position of the player after this. This causes your sensors to lag behind as they only reposition the next time the frame is drawn. (Move the 'Always' event from the always group to the bottom of the event editor.)

    Knowing this is actually really handy and its where alot of basic problems can occur. Parallax events should always be placed before the camera events, camera events should always be placed after anything modifying player position, etc..

    • Like 1
  5. Haha, do you remember the last time we spoke? You rang me up at like 1AM absolutely wasted outside the union. You didn't even know it was me at first!

    And you definitely should get back into it, I need help as it is. Maybe not so 50:50 like XG was, let me just do almost everything and you just act some kind of director gentleman pointing me in various directions and making those tiny little adjustments you do that just make things so much better. :D!

    Plus then it doesn't pull you from any partying uni work and such. Muwahah, what an offer! Gather your chutzpah euan, you know you want to.

  6. 1. I prefer MS Paint, however if you're working from sketches a program with layer support might be of benefit.

    2. Frames per action depends on how smooth you want your sprites to animate, 6-8 is ideal for a Sonic walking animation, however the last few frames are not repeats like you said, look closer, they swap the left or right leg/arm movement between forwards and backwards creating much more believable movement. If you were to simply re-order the original four frames it would look very jerky and backwards.

    Creating good sprite animation is very difficult, I definitely recommended what Overbound said and look closey at similar sprites to your own at see how they've been animated. Heck, even breaking down other sprites to a skeletal structure and working over that is a good way to get started.

  7. cork.png

    If you're lazy like me, corkscrews are very easy to implement into worlds. The red block is an active in group 0, making it an obstacle. Collision with this is only active when the player is on the ground and travelling above a specific speed.

    The corkscrew itself is then split into two pieces, one on layer 2, the 2nd piece on layer 3.

    As for animation, you could possibly use the flip animation used for corkscrews and determine the frame via the players X position on the current corkscrew piece, which I haven't tried. Or again a lazy technique, force the players rolling/jumping animation whilst corkscrewing.

    • Like 2
  8. Don't use gaussian blur for anti-alias it looks stupid. Pretty much any program now is capable of doing it. MS Paint for Windows 7 I think can, however you lose the option of not using anti-alias. =/

    And if you just can't get the hang of any of the new photo editing programs, feel free to just mock your logo entirely in paint and I can create either a vectorized version or high res raster image for you. Doesn't take too long.

  9. Ty was awesome, he was one of the first people I spoke to via AIM, even if I was 13 and trying to get him to teach me C because I liked Sonic Groove so much.

    And Clwe, I relayed ideas back and forth between him whilst he was working on Sonic Origin, he gave me the help to initially create the 8 directional looping engine for very early tests of Sonic 360. Then like, that very SAGE, Paradox, Xoram, RC, Damizean and more all decided to show off their 360º engines. Bastards! ;P

    Sonic Project, Jackel, Sly, Luckett, Epon, Ninja, and the name Sound Blaster is springing to mind but I'm not sure if there was someone called that now hah, there's been far too many awesome people over so long to remember everyone. =/

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