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Posts posted by AldenT

  1. Sorry for the double post, but there's more to be found here. Not as huge a find today, but I got this:

    - When dropping from slopes she ran up, Carol will hug the slope as if it were a wall, steadily dropping and clinging.


    - Pushing objects keeps generating dust, even after they can't actually move anymore. Stopping then pushing again no longer forms the dust, though.


    - Walking up slopes and attacking makes Lilac chop as if she were on the ground, then fall immediately.


    - Here's the big one. If you run into the boulder right as you reach the end of the stage, you can get pushed early enough that you get stuck between the rock and the loop. Lilac can then boost over the rock and explore the entire chase scene with the camera locked in.


    - This one is more of an accident, but yes. The timer CAN go over 60 minutes.


    I think I can dig a few more details out of the demo.

  2. They're still trying to save SFxT but I admit I'm more into games where decisions actually matter. That's how Capcom games used to be in the SF2 days, before they got their sick obsession with combos. These days they can't make a game without overblown cinematics or 10-second combos that just drag.

    Oh, Project M is still alive and way better than ever, but I'm sorta used to the Brawl physics by now so I'm playing a custom build between Project M and Balanced Brawl. Brawl+ is worthy too, though, I'll get around to trying that sometime.

    You know, I once had Tekken 5 and I enjoyed playing it. It was relatively simple to play but tough to master, and stuff like the item moves kept things pretty funny. You'd never see this kind of thing in a Capcom game.

  3. Yeah, pros have been dissecting that Daigo moment for years. It's even an official challenge in 3rd Strike Online! But wow, Melee at that kind of level does look very exciting. I had no idea Sheik could survive that long...

    Here's another old comeback I remembered, by the guy who got creamed by Daigo. Not really less impressive for it.

    Oh, man. I wish I had a PS3, all I got is my Wii and it doesn't have much variety for fighting games. There's Brawl and Tatsunoko vs Capcom, but neither one feels like Tekken.

  4. Oh, so that's why they work that way. It's genius! It can provide a neat challenge too, going up to all sorts of places as Lilac and finding a fuel tank, making the player wonder how Carol can get there. :) Though I suppose summoning the bike out of thin air means she can take it just about anywhere too, or at least show up often in a lot of self-contained spots.

    By the way, I have quite a few things to report about the 1.2 demo. I have no idea how much the game has advanced since, or if other people have reported something like this in other forums. Having said that:

    - This enemy can follow just about anywhere, clipping through the floor if it has to. Apparently it can use springs, too!


    - In fact, if the player dies on this pit, they can't hit any floor. So it doesn't trigger the death animation and restart, breaking the game. All the player can do is quit.


    - The first mini-boss doesn't seem to actually shoot at the player, but rather right in front of them. It's good in case they try to rush the boss, but the player can literally just stand there and wait for a better chance.


    - Carol's Wild Kick ends with a standing frame, doesn't it? Because the steam pushed her up while she was doing it and this happened.


    - Slopes work when upside-down too, right? I got a weird result when jumping into this spot while running.


    I'll see what else I can find.

  5. And to think ila told ME to chill once... seriously, though, I'll have to agree on this one too. It's nice to come up with things, but wanting isn't the same as having. If you have a project, you also have a responsibility to finish it, or at least cancel it and move on. If you've lost interest in other plans for real, let people know... keeping so much stuff floating around is a great way to bring it all crashing down on you, it will make you give up before your time.

    Specifically for this one, I get the feeling you wanted a reason to practice your japanese and apply it to something. That's fun, but don't advertise it like that. Why not just stick to screenshots with english text translated to japanese? I mean, releasing info about a project without the gameplay is a bad approach and once you've practiced enough, you could apply japanese to a project you'll actually want to finish. Think about it.

  6. Yeah, the best way to learn operations is to just do them yourself, but not everyone has that kind of time or interest so calculators are great for that. It's usually better to use them for simple operations with big numbers, though. The advanced stuff usually demands thick, unintuitive calculators that are a pain to even learn about. Personally, I decided to go raw with multiplications and that worked out better.

  7. That's right, there are a lot of benefits to cooking and it doesn't take as much effort once you get into it. Proper shopping can be overwhelming at first too, but it pays to plan it out in advance, over a week or two, so that what seems like a hefty investment saves more money in the long run.

    Of course, you'd think they would teach this sort of thing in school, pointers that most people can apply. I remember a chemistry teacher who admitted that the real knowledge is the one you can apply to life, not flowchart stuff most students are gonna ignore once they get out of there.

  8. Yeah, it's kinda dumb that what we're supposed to eat costs more than what could very well kill us.

    From what I understand, the junk food is cheap to make, so it's sold cheaply. That puts it in range of more customers, thus they're more likely for them to buy. And THAT encourages the companies to keep making the cheap food, so it's kind of a vicious cycle.

    By contrast, real food takes time to prepare, spoils over time even at the store, and it's expensive to replace all of that. They need the high prices to compensate, but of course not everyone can afford that all the time. And, well, people are lazy too.

  9. Carol's motorcycle has been fully implemented. She can ride it by collecting fuel tanks like these which are scattered around certain stages. I had to make the bike stage-specific because I found there were a lot of places where it felt glitchy or impractical.

    Also, you may notice the small counter just underneath the Energy meter. Every time you collect a crystal, this counter will go down, and when it reaches 0 you'll gain an extra life. This should make crystals far more useful to collect.

    Lastly, the rock textures in Dragon Valley have been given a much-needed upgrade to make them pop out more.

    That's a very good way of going about the motorcycle. But it makes me think that, if the fuel pickups are stage-specific, does that mean Lilac can find them too? Or would she simply get a different kind of item?

    For that matter, is the motorcycle found like the fuel pickups, or does Carol always run into it? I get the feeling it'll fit sections like the boulder dash at the end of Dragon Valley. That much reminds me of Rush Jet moments from Mega Man 8.

    Still, it's great to hear about an update at last. Great work! :)

  10. Like I said earlier, I was just taking things too seriously. I've calmed down since and, well, I see what you mean now. Maybe in this case, "perfecting" doesn't mean learning something 100%. If it really is just a rant thread, then maybe he already had enough of english and found it annoying that school would continue to teach him something he doesn't want to learn any more about.

    Examples like yours show there's definitely more to english than what he knows, though. And hey, if someone's qualified to talk about it formally, it's you. But maybe TailsSena doesn't care as much or the irony flew over his head. I know I missed it the first time (really not good at catching this sort of thing), so I'm sorry about what I said.

  11. Also, your quote should read, "Even then, all I learned was what a clause was[omit this comma] and how to write a book report [seriously, we're not speaking German. You do not need to capitalize every noun you come across], which are two skills you'll almost never need to employ ever [superfluous?] again."

    Hate to seem rude, but not everyone appreciates the corrective attitude. It's good to know how to write, but hopefully this was just an example. I wouldn't want to think you are one of those grammar nazis.

  12. Yeah, I remember that much was one of the appealing things about Shattered Dimensions DS. Movement was very fast and effective for something normally complex, and as you find the upgrades, combat itself becomes just as effective. It really is a joy to play through it. :3

    And if it's a Metroidvania fan game you want, how about a Megaman twist? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNoG8kJfUAo It hasn't been updated for a while, but it's still pretty cool.

  13. Thanks for getting back on topic. :) Yeah, the underlying message is, don't sell your soul. There's nothing wrong with liking something so much, as long as you don't forget that YOU are something of your own. I wouldn't say fanart is a waste if you can draw it along the way, not going out of it to do so.

    I've been very obscure for many years, keeping my work only to the very few people that I could trust back then. It's only recently that I'm spreading out to more public means thanks to inspirations from a certain project. I'll probably draw a bit of fanart about it, but it'd mean little if that was all I did. So I'm steadily presenting the work I made over all those years, and so far so good.

    Oh, I know how that feels. I was never much of a forum person and I know I wasn't joining places because of fandoms. Honestly, I'm not here because "zomg Sonic", I just want to meet people, show what I can do, see who gets interested, maybe help out that project if I get lucky. But even if things don't work out as planned, as long as something does, it's worth it.

    Basically, it's okay to chase a dream, just don't forget to run on your own feet rather than someone else's.

  14. Well, it's not loading in Construct2, says I need an updated version and I'm pretty sure that's a purchase. I'd rather not pirate something, so I'll just go with Construct1.

    Still, these tools definitely seem more effective. I don't think I'll find the other MMF engine I was working with, but that's fine. At least I got something easier to work with from this. Thanks again!

  15. Does Construct2 work with Sonic Worlds, or would I need an all-new engine? I was experimenting with MMF2 and you're right, it threw me off a lot (I'm way more used to coding via C++ and Java).

    Sprites shouldn't be a big concern if there are open-source sheets or something, and if I can just figure out how to add them to the game, that will do. I could edit them in some other program before adding them, if it's not too much trouble.

  16. For the moment I'm using Multimedia Fusion 2 with the Sonic Worlds 0.5 engine, but it's just fumbling around at the moment. As I explore it, I might have to switch to a different engine or make my own.

    I do know I'd like to lay down several concepts right now, though. If I can code them in Sonic Worlds, I'm sure I'll be able to code them in whatever engine I stick with.

  17. Thanks, I'm glad you think so! I definitely used beat-em-ups and fighting games as an inspiration for this, while the competitive feel would make it a decent multiplayer experience.

    I'm in way over my head right now when it comes to coding this in, but I know I can do it. It's just a matter of understanding how the tools work. If anything, I know now to provide a tech demo to go with my sketches. Why tell when I can show, right?

  18. I was actually jealous of the project I was going for, but I didn't mean any harm with my request. It was just a pathetic plea of mine anyway, since I gave them no reason to accept me and that's how people work in the real world. Even if I was a nice guy, what skills do I bring to the table? Personally, I feel I can help them improve some of their gameplay, but how exactly?

    My drafts were mainly drawn to present my idea to others and see if they would like to work on them with me. The usual reply I got was that they were nice but there was no real interest since, well, I had no game to show them in. By now I'm thinking of borrowing an engine and working my ideas there, give them a playable taste of what's to come.

    I wouldn't mind if the project staff asked me for help as a beta tester, I'm so okay with that. But I gotta show them that I know about video games... after all, with the massive amount of fans they got, I need to stand out from the crowd so they'll look at me. I need to do this for myself, true, I guess I just haven't found a dream to chase in a long time.

  19. Yeah, I might start with this. I'm still getting the hang of the main tools (Multimedia Flash and Sonic Worlds) but maybe after that, I can do something with these old sketches. I can't promise much of anything until I'm ready, but someday I'll stand out. Thanks again for checking them out, too. :D

  20. Thats kind of what i mean. It's good that you can do some conceptual drawings but almost everyone on this forum board can do that to some degree. Hell i think i even have a topic open with some pointless scribbles down. And I say they're pointless because they are. If you just write them to daydream about an application then they'll always be a daydream. And making excuses as to why you can't make them into something is also just an excuse.

    Brainstormers, concept art pictures, graphical tiles, engine tests, all are a dime a dozen. Along and any other ingredient we may have lying around that just sits in a folder without going anywhere waiting to be "scrapped" as if we actually started in the first place. IMO whatever you do, just make you get in it for the longhaul and keep at it. If you wanna belong in something then you should just get into something. Some people around here enjoy the team gig, some rather work alone. There are whole engines lying around, tutorials as well as sprites and backgrounds from all over the internet. Someone with finished products under their belt will always look more achieved than someone with a bunch of neat little 5 minute concept demos.

    Also....know that not many developers, even small little fan developers, want another "idea maker" on their team. Past a certain point there's no use for you anymore, especially when the programmer, artist, musician and everyone else has ideas too. You have to be able to do something to really belong to something. Wanting to be part of something great is natural, but you can't expect to just float there. You've gotta make moves, and that means not using easy excuses like "im not good enough" to justify not doing anything.

    That's true, I'm definitely at the daydreamer phase right now so I'm worthless to the project I'm gunning for. And that's fine, I can't just pretend I matter when I got nothing to show for it. I think I can come up with something in the coming months, though. I AM pretty fresh in all this so maybe I was just fooling myself into thinking it was that easy to be a part of something big. Thanks for snapping me out of it. :)

    Oh, Sereph never said SEGA's staff was perfect. Nobody would ever say so, but SEGA seems content with them for now

    Oh, whoops. That's it right there, they seem to be confident in their staff even if times are pretty hard for SEGA right now. If they really were perfect, they wouldn't have as much trouble in the first place. 83;

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