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Posts posted by MegaDash

  1. Har har, somebody mistook Descent as a person. Actually, oddwarg used a song from Descent in the soundtrack for EHF: Io Sulfur Mine. You hear it when you fight the drill boss. It's one of the more exciting songs from the game's soundtrack, if the only really exciting one.

  2. Yes, everything you mentioned will be done, as I was playing Angel Island Zone the other day to see what I need to make it "pop", and stuff like those parallax bushes that are in front of the player need to be added. Thanks for the suggestions.

    Should a Sonic 4 been made in the 90's that was up to the scale of S3&K, it probably would have been released in 1996-97. That being said, it would have been a SEGA Saturn game, with 32-bit graphics. That, and the fact that I'm going to take full advantage of me not being limited by the graphical capabilities of the SEGA Genesis/MegaDrive. This isn't a Genesis/MegaDrive/Saturn game, this is a Game Maker game, so I really don't give a shit about how many colors I use.

    That's fine, but in that case, I recommend scrapping the sprite sheets for Sonic and Tails and either hiring someone to make new 32-bit sprites, make them yourself, or "upgrade" the existing sheets to a 32-bit level of color and detail. That's if you want to get the full effect of a 2D Sega Saturn Sonic game.

    I'm just looking out for you on this one. If you don't get it right, Segata Sanshiro will be around to kick your ass when you least expect it. And then he'll make you play Sega Saturn.

    Also, I'd like to hear tips on what makes good classic level design, since I'm no expert. My previous fangame, Sonic Revival, was basically SPEEDSPEEDSPEED which isn't exactly classic, so if anyone wants to help with level design, please post tips and suggestions!

    Be imaginative. No two acts or zones in the classic Sonic games were exactly alike. They were rich in structural differences between acts and overall stylistic differences between zones. If the game feels like a Rush or an Advance game, then you're doing something wrong.

  3. Agreed with GameNerd, but even if it's just a straight-up HD port with no frills and no addons, hell, I'd still play it. It looks fucking gorgeous. And just to make it clear, I'd be fine if there were no zone-to-zone transitions. That was more of a staple of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and I don't mind it staying like that with the exception of Sonic 4.

    Actually, there are plans to include the scrapped zones from the game, namely Hidden Palace Zone, at least. Others we might expect are Wood Zone and Dust Hill Zone, but I don't believe that's set. Genocide Zone became Metropolis Zone, I believe, as "genocide" was probably a description too touchy for young audiences.

  4. Cool. A few things though:

    1. The sand is too bright and lacks contrast and texture. Try adding some herbal growth closer to the foreground, like at the beginning of Angel Island Zone, to help break up the monotony and give the sense that, at some points, you're looking past bushes and trees towards Sonic. Experiment with coloring the sand and giving it layers of texture.

    2. So far, the layout looks to have too many sharp angles and not enough smooth rolling curves.

    3. See about retexturing the bridges to give them more of a woody look instead of an MS Paint look.

    g00d luk!

  5. I'll corroborate one thing from CrypticSailor: lack of unique enemies. It wasn't a huge problem for me, and I do remember that turret-guy-thing in one of the later acts, but it looks like it could use some design work. Oh, and that spider design needs to go. It looks a tad cheap.

    As for not having elements that differentiate it from any other Sonic game: that's hardly true for any other Sonic fan game. Sometimes borrowing or scavenging familiar set pieces from the old games, cutting them up, and giving them a new paint job and new bells-and-whistles is enough to liven up the overall impression of the stage--if done well. I would like to see some genuine creativity from the game, naturally; but all in good time. So far it looks neat, and I do rather enjoy that extra speedy ghost-image running animation. Also the distinct lack of abuse of speed boosters. I think there were like, a few, and if there were more I didn't notice them.

  6. It's close enough. The controls and physics feel right, the art direction is simply lovely, and there are enough loops, curves, and rolling paths well synthesized with platforms other foreground objects to make me feel like I'm playing a really good Sonic game, because I am. It does some different things, like have steep cliffs for Sonic to roll down and watch the background change from stormy to sunny and whatnot, and I consider things like that a good sign of creativity. I don't feel like I'm specifically playing one of the Genesis games, and I don't feel like I'm playing a Rush game. I feel like I'm playing a Sonic game in it's own right that takes after the look and feel of the Genesis games. Kinda like a sequel, only with the more limited scope of a fangame. That's all.

  7. The biggest problem of a name like "Sonic Freedom" is that the name implies tha you can do whatever you want 'cause you're free. Like some sandboxes games, etc...

    Exactly my point. The name wouldn't have made sense, even though it drew upon the unique Planet Freedom.

    Well amigo, I can't tell you exactly what we change, cause it is at the game story. The act composition will remain the same. 2 acts, 1 boss.

    So, Sonic 2 or 3 then. That's good.

    New places + Old Places... And the "lagoon" is where they live, dude. It's the South Island. :S

    I wasn't aware that was also South Island. :/

    About Tails, no. Sarah and the President, maybe.

    No Tails, huh? Fair enough. Not even as an NPC?

    So, Sonic will have the homing attack. Any other moves we can expect from him? Perhaps even an new move that applies specifically to this game?

  8. I never had a problem with Sonic Henceforth, but then I didn't really give much of a damn. I just liked how the game was looking and sounding.

    There were two worlds in the Sonic OVA, right? Planet Freedom and the Land of Darkness? Sonic Freedom might have been a good idea if the game has any real (marketing) connection to the idea of freedom, which I'm assuming it doesn't, so on second thought, Sonic the Hedgehog or Sonic Henceforth are fine.

    So, talking about the actual fucking game: What are you plans for organizing the structure of the game? Since this is a "reboot" of sorts to Sonic, what are you going to change or do differently? Still going to go with the whole zone-to-zone progression with each zone having 2 or 3 acts, or are you going to do something different with that, like turn it into a sort of Metroidvania construct?

    I'm going to assume you'll use familiar locales located on both Planet Freedom and the Land of Darkness, like the lagoon where Sonic and Tails hang out, the presidential city, some desolate robot-laden plain in the Land of Darkness, and Eggmanland, right? Or are you going to introduce some new locales to go to?

    Will we be able to play as Tails, or will Tails actually be useful in a co-op sense? Like flying you to certain unreachable areas or helping you to defeat a certain boss? Is Sarah or the President making a return, or is it just Robotnik we'll be dealing with?

  9. The artwork looks fucking excellent in this game, vexer, and the sound design doesn't sound too far from excellence itself. While I'm not sure whether the level design will be more or less compelling and fun than the Genesis games, I will definitely be looking forward to playing this game, and I will probably enjoy it more than I expect. Don't let me down, man. It's looking really good!

  10. Personally, I thought the Wii version was BETTER than the HD versions, but that's mainly because I thought the Werehog was an actual challenge, the levels weren't thirty minutes long, and the daytime stages weren't exercises in Trial and Error, and the final boss was better, too.

    Nah. Instead, the Werehog stages were sparse, zoomed out, and even more boring, the day stages were even larger wastes of unexciting game space, and the final boss wasn't at all thrilling. It was cheap. First a rock-em sock-em robots sequences, then run around with the same excitement from the day stages, only with more trial and error, and then a mildly not-so-exciting Super Sonic *SNOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE*. It's pretty sad when the best part about that game were the Gaia temples' puzzle rooms.

    I dunno. Unleashed HD may have the shitty medal collecting and the boring hub worlds and Tornado missions to slog through, but at least the action and visual presentation look way more exciting otherwise. And it also has two other continents that were left out of the Wii version.

  11. Sonic controls like an assload of bricks in 3D, but the 2D controls really aren't that bad. If anything, it's only the jump and double-jump that needs tightening, and even that I can deal with. I still had loads more fun with this game than Unleashed, hands-down. There's more to do and less to be frustrated with, like mandatory medal collecting and overextended Werehog stages.

  12. Someone on another forum encountered the same problem with the draw distance:

    I have 2 computers, I don't have the greatest of budgets so a 1gb ram Intel Atom 1.6ghz based Netbook and a 512mb ram old 2004 Dell machine with Intel Pentinum 4, it won't work on either machine.

    Here's the image of the error: http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/2586/aurgh.png

    EDIT: Side note -- ever heard of

    ? Just an idea for a future fangame.
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