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Posts posted by MykonosFan

  1. The problem is most certainly comcast, but the greater problem is the fact that...well, its comcast


    my only other option is shitty ATT DSL that caps at like, 5MB/s and less than a MB of upload.



    Google needs to speed up its rate of world domination. 


    This was my cable speed. Then they give me a free upgrade to 10MB/s!!! (Because they phased out the 5M speed). Oh, but my upload speed is still less than 1MB/s. 


    Thinking about upgrading the plan. I wish I could just pick, say, 6 down, 4 up, and have that be the end of it.

  2. Techokami pretty much covered it, sonicpop50. I'm going to go ahead and lock this topic since it's so old. If you still need help feel free to make a new thread and we'll help you out there. :)

    TechoEDIT: Oh I could have locked it, too. But I figured I'd let the kid have a chance to reply first. AH WELL.

  3. Anyone else here looking forward to it's story?


    I really like what we've seen so far. It really looks appealing and shows some character that I think Sonic Team have been failing on for awhile. It's not that Sonic Team is bad at it but they're not good either, in my eyes. I just feel it's a refresher for characters to be more... alive? 


    So far I'm more interested in the plot than any other aspect of the game, specifically Rise of Lyric. Having an animal enhanced by technology and delights in that fact (and can communicate with Sonic, as opposed to say the Biolizard) butting heads with Sonic, the force of nature, could make for some really engaging dialog. The producer specifically mentioned technological enhancements as one of Lyric's traits so I really hope they come through with that. 


    More than anything if the plot takes itself seriously I hope the game is structured akin to SA2, where the campaign felt like a story-driven journey as opposed to a bunch of platforming stages with a silly cutscene after each one. Not bashing the Colors approach, but rather the Lost World approach. A kidnapped Tails and a forced alliance between Sonic and Eggman are concepts that could have been really interesting but ultimately felt pointless and under-utilized, respectively. Fingers crossed for Boom!

    • Like 2
  4. One thing that'd really save it, is if the live action was just because they were lazy. So the humans were only props and the action was like destructing the planet and such. and such. As long as humans aren't the main plot point.. Please

    I'm really really hoping for this. Like in SA1 or SA2. Humans are clearly apart of the world, but at no point does one become a major boom to the story and start running around with the gang (ignoring Eggman, and not dissing Pickle either). I'm down with them interacting with humans some but it's just so easy to worry this will be an Alvin and the Chipmunks thing.

    • Like 1
  5. That new TV trailer is great and makes me want ham. I'll settle for good ham. I hope they announce an air date soon.



    Mike Pollock will do that to you, Man has a voice that could melt butter. And yes, I am in fact referring to his Eggman voice.


    For real. I got to spend some time with him last month and there was a point where he was signing things for kids, and every time he got into character it was a delight, I was probably grinning just as hard as the kids were. Seeing the look on their faces was something else, he's a really great guy.

    • Like 1
  6. Man Nintendo got me all kinds of pumped. I want to play every game they showed in their digital line up, the Smash Tournament was a lot of fun to watch, Star Fox teases, Miyamoto's two "Project" titles are probably gonna be really interesting, I mean geez. I could almost just forget about Sony and Nintendo and have plenty to look forward to. It'd be a lot easier on my wallet at least!

    • Like 1
  7. I only caught the Microsoft conferences, and chunks of the Sony conference. Overall I have to commend Microsoft for showing some games, having pretty non-cringeworthy presenters / in between segments, and for not babbling on about TV, sports, and what not. I'm not a fan of CG trailers when I just wanna see game play but that's not really Microsoft's fault. 


    Sunset Overdrive with the "gotcha" military cold open was fantastic, Phantom Dust I'm curious about, and last but not least a new Platinum exclusive game means I'm pretty much going to have to pick up an Xbox One at some point in my life, more than I would have said before going into the conference. I hope that game isn't TOO amazing because damn I just love anything they do but don't want to get a One for years. ALSO CONKER FOR SOME REASON


    I figured I'd have a ton more to say about Sony but I'm surprisingly neutral. The Ratchet and Clank stuff is probably pretty cool but really feels like something that would have been really special, and more timely when the PS3 was meandering out of the gates. Not bad but nothing that has me chomping at the bit to upgrade to a PS4.


    So now I'm hoping Nintendo will just announce release dates for Bayonetta 2, then show off a bunch of awesome Wii U games we know nothing about. But I feel like we'll get a whole bunch of info on things we already know a little about, with one or two big announcements (AKA Zelda).

  8. Well, I know I'm still totally on board with the cartoon. I think that will be great and I can't wait for it. The games though, I just can't decide how I feel about. For Rise of Lyric, obviously due to BRB's pedigree it looks a lot like a PS2 Naughty Dog/Insomniac platformer. Which is pretty neat for those folk who are into that but when I tried them back in the day I couldn't get quite into it. (That said I have been meaning to give them another shot).


    For...uhh...Sticks Gone Amiss 3D I'd actually be totally down for a slower, Metroid-vania Sonic game...if it didn't have the time limit. I really hope there's a demo on this one because I really like some of the ideas presented but am also very apathetic towards the rest.


    I think that's just how I feel about these games, apathetic. I'm really hoping they surprise me though!

  9. I'm all about MK 8. I'd only played DS and Wii before hand, I LOVED DS but Wii really put me off of things for a ton of reasons I can't really put my finger on. But this game sucked me right back in. Fantastic course design, wonderful presentation, very tight mechanics and smooth as butter online pretty much make this a must-own for the Wii U as far as I'm concerned. If we have enough MK8 owners we should make a United Tournament group.

    • Like 1
  10. Sonic Lost World (Wii U)

    I picked it up a few days ago on a whim, and I'm already regretting the decision. The game's piss poor attempts to be Super Mario Galaxy are glaringly obvious, and the engine is broken in so many ways. The Deadly Six is Sega's lamest character attempt yet, and the level designs are a huge step back from anything in Colors or Generation. I'd also like to add that played for laughs or not, Steena's portrayal is one of the most offensive characterizations of a female character in a video game yet. Only thing I've seen worse in is Ground Zeroes.


    I was so so so hopeful for Lost World coming off the momentum from Colors and Generations, which are two of my favorite games in the series. I just dunno what happened to all the love and effort that seemed to go into those two titles.



    I had one of those "Why am I still playing this" experiences with Final Fantasy XIII. I saw it at a GameStop for $20 and decided to go for it, I had heard complaints of linearity and story but figured I'd see for myself. I was floored by the visuals / some of the music tracks and didn't care for much else. But I got some sick satisfaction out of seeing all the numbers so I eventually wound up pouring approximately 110 hours into the game to 100% it. The post-game grinding for the best weapons essentially devolves into beating the same enemy over and over in the hopes of like a 5% chance drop for an item you need a lot of. But I eventually got enough, did it, power-leveled everyone to their highest level and beat the final boss under the achievement's conditions.


    If it wasn't such a dull summer I (hopefully) wouldn't have done that...

  11. So judging from an earlier thread, a lot of folks around here aren't too big on the Archie series, but I think we can all agree that as far as the art goes, Tracy Yardley really brings a lot to the table and has done some of the best artwork for the comic, bringing his own style and look to the characters while still keeping them in model with their game counter parts and bringing a pleasing aesthetic to the comic as a whole.




    However, it came to mine and a friend's attention that despite this he was still having some trouble making ends meet. Tracy himself puts it better than I can.




    To My Wonderful Fans,

    Having worked with Archie Comics on the Sonic the Hedgehog comics has been a great privilege. Unlooked for, the good people of the Packrat Sonic Club of Packrat Comics in Hilliard, Ohio had a divine revelation that I could use some help and decided to run a benefit on my behalf. As some may know, I am the father of 5 children. My wife and I adopted 3 and had 2 of our own as well. By many standards I am a very rich man, but this last year has been trying in the money department. I know there are many out there who are in a much worse position that I am, but I’m very grateful for the help offered to me. I am continually awed by the love and encouragement I receive from my fans and I hope to help with future charity efforts to share the amazing goodwill that my fans have shown me.
    With gratitude,
    Tracy Yardley!


    So, the plan is this. Me and FTA (of FindTheComputerRoom, also formerly of HellFireComms and occasional BrainScratchComms guest), and hopefully a few of our pals in the area are going to get together to host a charity stream for a man who has definitely helped to improve the series image, quite literally. 


    On April 19th, at around 3 PM EST at twitch.tv/ftcr69 (ch'yeah) we'll start a stream up. Throughout the stream a 2 hour interview between FTA and Tracy will air in half hour chunks (the entire interview will be available uninterrupted in full sometime after the stream). In between those chunks we'll be playing through some of Tracy's favorite games, and also playing together in multiplayer Sonic modes, and altogether just having a good time (unless we play Shuffle). 


    Of course, for donating there are some cool rewards on the table, most generously offered up by Tracy himself. Just about everything is signed, there's original artwork for pages of the comic, a few issues of the comic, a few paper trades of the comic, a couple Jazwares figures, a signed Sonic:Genesis hardcover book, and more. The prizes will be tiered with the donation amount, which we'll be explaining more closer to the stream, and anyone who donates into that tier will be entered in a raffle drawing. Having seen it first hand the original page artwork is especially cool and probably the coolest item for fans of Tracy and the comic as a whole. 


    (A few of the original pages up for grabs)

    We're trying just to keep this within the Sonic community. There should be a post on Sonic Retro and The Sonic Stadium this week to help spread the event, but if you any of you guys and gals know of anyone who'd like to swing by and hang out, please let them know! Even if you can't donate we should be having a blast.



    If you like the Facebook thing, we do have an event page as we're trying to get a rough idea of at least how many will be joining us over the stream. https://www.facebook.com/events/243913629129117/

    • Like 1
  12. I need this game. Between customizable move sets, COLOR GAME TV 15, and every stage having a Final Destination variant (among all the other new things) it's definitely gotten me excited about video games. I really want Greninja and Sheik to duke it out.


    With Villager and Little Mac as fighters (and Sonic returning) this Smash is pretty much bringing all my oddball requests I've had since age 7 into reality. Now, if we can get Shulk from Xenoblade and Ray M.K. II from Custom Robo in here I'm not sure I'll ever need another Smash Bros. Also everyone hates the idea of it for some reason but I'm really hoping the Pacster joins the fray.


    Video games, man. Phew.

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