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Pharaoh Shadon

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Posts posted by Pharaoh Shadon

  1. Out of how much I want to say the mass effect series, there is one game that I think is above them.




    This game is by far my most favorite game ever made. One reason is because it is the only game that I can play over and over and over and over again without getting bored. With all the content/gameplay styles, it is probably the longest sonic game to 100% and even if you do 100% it, the level design is just so good that I like to replay the levels either to just travel around, or just play for fun (More specifically, city escape, final rush, pyramid cave, sand ocean) and allot of others (Other then mad space and egg quarters)

  2. Thank God I made the right choice for X, sucks for you Shadon... picking the Y version and shit...

    And it took over a decade to make Charizard a Dragon type.


    Bull**** bull**** bull****... You get this corrupted charzard from metroid prime while I get this battle ready charzard.

  3. I hope its weird lighting because knuckles looks WEIRD.

    But I cannot WAIT... But I'm scared. I mean Cartoon Network already ruined the master piece of teen titans and created... Teen titans go... The BIGGEST insult to teen titans. I will give it a try, but I got no faith in it, I REALLY hope I'm wrong because cartoons these day SUCK, so lets hope it renews cartoons for me, and hope its the first good sonic cartoon (yes, I did just say that. X was okay, but way to childpr...


  4. My favorite just might have to be Inuyasha. I just finished it yesterday and at first I was dreading finishing it because I HATE finishing anime's but this one did it well (Other then the anticlimactic ending with Naraku) It finished with no questions, it was a happy ending and most of all, a complete one that didn't leave any stone unturned. The character development is the best I've ever seen in an anime because its so natural and makes perfect sense. I could go on but I wont.


    My other favorites are

    Naruto shippuden


    Sword art online


    And... That's about all I can remember right now. :/

  5. No. Like I said, hand/eye coordination and critical timing/thinking. It's basics for platforming games.


    Yeah, and I like that, but there is a limit and a fine line when it becomes just down right cheap. If you're hit from basically off screen then there is nothing you can do about it, then its not critical thinking or timing, it becomes trial and error, and I don't think a game should resort to trial and error because that's not exactly a challenge, just a memorization game. 

    I wouldn't call Dimps the worst. They just made a lot of interesting choices that tanked.  I hope you're referring to the DS version of Colors, which really isn't that bad either.

    That actually makes allot of sense, unleashed was an idea that I personally don't like, but probably because I was use to how the HD version did it. ((Although in sonic 4's case, there is NO excuse)) I liked advanced games and the rush games, but their more recent ones are lacking.


    And I did mean the DS version, its not bad, just the most boring game I have ever played.

  6. You don't think that enemies spawning on you as you land or the jets shooting you before its even on screen cheap?


    I think the major problem was that they had lots of potential and just blew it. Level design and physics leave much to be desired. Its not exactly a terrible game, but I wouldn't exactly call it a good one either, more of just a meh kind of game, One that is just sort of there and you don't know why.


    Personally, I think that sonic team needs to ditch Dimps. They may have been considered good back with sonic advance and rush (Which admittedly, I do kinda like) but since unleashed, colors, generations, sonic 4, they have been probably one of the worst game makers I've ever seen. Maybe its accidentally comparing their versions to far superior ones that sonic team makes but I don't find their games very fun. Colors especially which is probably the most boring game I have ever played.

  7. its trail and error. Take sonic 1's labyrinth zone, it was challenging but for the right reasons, while levels like sonic 2's metropolis zone had cheap enemy placement and you had to memorize where they were, although back then it wasn't a big deal but generations has a ranking system and these cheap enemy placement that hit you before they are even on the screen ruins your rank.

  8. I just played generations 3DS because before, It was just pure memory... And its worse then I gave it credit for.


    First of all, the controls are slippery. Second of all, the game resorts to trickery, not challenge. An example is like in radical highway you'll be boosting along then while going up a spiral you will be hit by a fighter jet before the camera even lets you see it. Or when you're going up those things then a enemy will land on you right when you land not giving you time to react.


    Classic sonic levels are boring and modern sonic defies physics and are risky because of cheap placement of stuff that screws you over before you even get the chance to see it.

  9. My friend got me into team fortress 2. 5 matches and I am probably the best player on the last ones I played. On man vs machine, it got to the point where people quit shooting and was just watching me and legacy now them down. (And turns out that we were at the highest difficulty. Although I hate the community, they are jerks. But fun to screw with.

  10. Platinum has water prison jutsu... I mean putting you in a bubble. She's really cheap though, that's all I have to say about her.

    This is probably my favorite 2D fighting game (out of like the maybe 3 I've played) I find the story pretty good although a bit confusing. Like in continuum shift, they are all in different dimentions meaning nothing in the game actually happens per se until I'm guessing the ending where everyone meets up by going through the door to the real time/dimention. The humor in the game is pretty solid though I do find the combat overly complex.

    But so far, my favorite to play as is Noel, my best is Ragna

  11. I'll be honest, I was never a fan. I heard that they did some kind of reboot and its good now but I havn't got the chance to read it.


    I actually do own a few on my Iphone. I bought the shadow saga... It was weird. I remember the first one being decent, where Shadow was in blaze's world fighting metal sonic then metal sonic got blown to bits by a cannon (Im gonna say that part is "Puts on sunglasses" Non-canon YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.


    But later parts just got weird, like team dark going into this weird dimension where god was this giant panda who protects the emerald and it was all discoy and stuff. To bad jokes from SHADOW OF ALL PEOPLE!


    But I also have most his first issues and his 100th anniversary and a few more. I can tell the difference beween the 1st issue and his 100th, the quality is much better and I think he has over 300 last I checked (Maybe even over 400 at this point) Although for the price of each comic and how many they are, I doubt I will get into them any time soon (if at all)

  12. I use to play this game all the time. But now a days, its just too complex and those newer cards are so over powered, some say that if you have an older deck, you cant win... Then I looked at my older deck and thought that I can beat anyone. In fact, now I kinda wanna duel Jude since he brought up beating crow. Know any good yugioh dueling websites?


    But other then the constructed deck (Which is still nothing compared to my older deck, but I accidentally dropped it into my pile of cards and I could never make it the same so I had to make a new one. And although my newer one isn't as cheap, it still has my one turn death combo's.

  13. If you'd told a 13 year old me that I'd own a Nintendo console one day you'd probably get a barrage of abuse. 

    Ohhhhh, so you were one of THOSE kids.


    I like Mario though, especially the 3D ones, I don't recall a single bad 3D Mario game, and super Mario galaxy 1 and 2 to me, are master pieces. Everything was just done so right (Except spring Mario)


    My first Mario game was sunshine though, and that was a pretty good game too. 64 was good too although for some reason I am sucking recently and having a hard time on the 1st floor of the castle...


    As for 2D, I've never been that much of a fan of the 2D games, they were good but just something about them I find kinda boring. I much prefer the 2D sonic games ((More specifically, sonic 3&K)) Although 2D mario style feels somewhat of a puzzle game, having to find secret passages for shortcuts/extra levels, having to find a key then finding where it goes, knowing how to beat certain bosses like bowser.


    But I think I will always like sonic more though, I prefer the speed and stuff.

  14. Honestly, I'd like to start seeing some continuity in Sonic games again. The original three (counting S3 and S&K as one game) obviously continued one from the other. However, recently all the stories have been self-contained. That isn't a bad thing necessarily, but I really like that idea of a "bigger world" that the original games had. Still, if this games is set off Mobius, which it appears to be, I guess we won't be getting that here.


    That's exactly what I think. Izukia doesn't care about the over all story, he only cares about the specific games he is working on. Its not bad but I think he should work on spin off games, not the main sonic series. Because games like colors (And looks like) lost world feel like high budget spin offs.

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