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Posts posted by Jassbec

  1. Oh god, here we go again.
    Hey, I know you said this was an idea you had before BtS, and yeah, I can believe that, it does happen....


    ...But from that Title Screen, like Dan said, makes this looks EXTREMELY similar to BtS.
    Like my old fangame, Sonic From the Beginning... (Notice the similarities in the title screen? It was one of the first things done).


    I'm not against the idea of another Sonic 1/2 interquel (?), in fact, I welcome it as long as you do something different that Lake did. Gives us your own unique take on what you think happened.


    Be warned though, the fact that this is a Sonic 1/2 interquel WILL bring a lot of negativity to your game, and you're probably not going to be able to escape it unless you do something unlike anything Lake has done before.


    I look forward to your own unique take.

    • Like 1
  2. Yeah, I really need help implementing a title screen using the base from the SAGE release to build from. Things I want to achieve:


    Classic title screen parallax

    How to make a sort of mini cursor (like that one from BTS and Reborn) which can be controlled with the arrow keys. Admittedly, it is a very nifty idea.


    So yeah, any help would be great (using MMF2, in case you need to know).


    Also, one more thing, can someone tell me how to make reflective water that I keep seeing in so many fan games now?


    1- I honestly don't know how to put parallax in a different frame.


    2- Change it's position with Alterable Values that check what thing you're currently on


    3- Reflective water is easy, just vertically flip the parallax and put semi transparent water above it.



  3. Alright, this is what I would personally call an imitation. (A B/ATS Imitation)



    This was only shown to a handful of people, it was made right before FtB got scrapped and we started to work on Overture.


    So tell me, how many elements from the Sequel games can you see here? (Hint: There's a lot)


    Now, would you guys ever want to play what was basically a water downed version of the Sequel games? I wasn't kidding when I said I the project was going the wrong way.

  4. There's nothing really special about that screenshot, it's just some GHZ rips with a different tone of brown and some panels. Though the background is kinda interesting, not sure what the green is supposed to be, is that the sky or the canopy? If it's the canopy, then you should add some shadows around the area where the trunks and the canopy connect because it currently looks like they're just dead trunks. (unless it's what they are, I can't really tell, xD).

    • Like 2
  5. @Pulse0

    You have a very good argument, except for that comparison with Fusion, I didn't really get it, haha.

    About the Sonic sprites in Overture, we in fact, had plans to make pre-rendered Sonic sprites early in development using the 3D Model Lange made, however, we decided to stick with modified Sonic 1 sprites with custom animations (the animations are smoother) as they were more fitting with the theme of the game. And to be honest, yeah, I can see why someone would call it unoriginal, as what we've shown so far points to that because of the concept art thing we're doing. But trust me when I say there's plenty of "original" zones in the game to make the game feel more balanced in terms of levels.

    But enough about Overture, I didn't mean to bring it in into the discussion to brag or anything of that kind, just as an example of how games can improve if you're not so focused on your "inspirations".

    Overall, I don't think Reborn is a bad game, I ABSOLUTELY adore the presentation of the menus, it's from the best I've seen in a fangame, it's really good. The "ruin" parts of the level shown seem taken straight from Horizon Heights, and the physics are REALLY floaty and Sonic is hard to control, specially while in the air. But honestly, I do see a lot of potential, and wish it would not be spent trying to look like a Lake game, intentionally or not. I'm saying this because of previous experiences.

  6. You know, I just wanna say something about all of this.


    You can't join together inspiration and copying as if they're the same thing, They're not. There's a very clear line between inspired and copying. If you create a game that just has a similar aesthetic or style but is still original in concepts and elements, or even a completely unique game because another game motivated you, that's inspiration. If you straight up copy elements like graphics and concepts, then tweak them a bit and call it yours, that's copying, and that's essentially what you're doing.


    Overture isn't exempt from the borrowing world so it wrong for one of its staff to throw rocks, when he himself is in a glass house.


    Overture works directly from the source material while Reborn copies and imitates an existing fangame. Overture's graphics are 100% original (and do not attempt to imitate someone else's project) save for obvious fundamental features such as, well, Sonic himself. Reborn's graphics are various things copied and imitated from someone else's fangame. Those are not the same kinds of "borrowing". We're not in a glass house, we're in a stainless steel house if you know what I mean.


    Please, don't let your "inspirations" directly lead the project, I've been in that territory with Sonic from The Beginning. I'll admit, looking back at that, I'm not proud of it at all, I'm actually ashamed of it. (I'm sure most of you remember it, don't lie to yourselves, it was terrible). I'm glad I didn't go the "rip-off/harcore inspiration" route, and thus ended up making a product with heart and honest intent.

    Here's this for instance:


    Sonic From the Beginning (LakeFeperd "inspired", often called a rip-off)



    Sonic Overture (Once it stopped being "inspired" by Lake)



    Now compare these images and and think about it, I hope you see my point.


    Another thing, you don't need skill to be original. Overture could have one fourth the skill in it's artwork and it would still be just as original, and an imitation could have four times the skill and still be just as much an imitation.


    I'd SERIOUSLY reconsider what you're doing, I've been in your place, and I know how it feels, trust me when I say it's NOT the way to go.




    • Like 5
  7. I'm inclined to say this looks worse/on par with 06 in my opinion that's how much I hate this haha.

    You're cuh-rah-seh my man.


    I'm actually quite looking forward to it, stop being so negative, sheesh, lol.


    06 was bad for a lot of reasons, unless Boom has tons of game breaking glitches, awful controls, shit writing (Boom is aimed at kids, not you, keep that in mind), and terrible physics, I doubt it'll be as bad or on par with 06.


    Also guys, it's a spin-off not a new direction for ALL Sonic games, just sayin'

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