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Posts posted by Jassbec

  1. I tend to do logos as I find them fun to do and they're a nice art exercise.


    So here's a bunch of logos I've made, they're ordered from oldest to newest.

    (If you don't want me showing any of your logos I've made for any of your projects, please say so and I'll take it/them down).









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  2. Chrono Adventure was a fantastic game and definitely my favorite of your fangames. One of the reasons AtS and BtS managed to be so incredibly popular is because it had an amazing professional quality and quite ambitious soundtrack, they also followed traditional Sonic mechanics unlike Chrono Adventure, and they were also COMPLETE fangames. The soundtrack did help those games get "advertised" a lot more. What I think your games might've benefited from is more development time and testing. I know you like to be a one man studio, but maybe a couple of people that can help you out on art, programming, and design wouldn't be too bad of an idea, getting a small team could benefit you. (It's just a suggestion, you don't have to listen to a word of what crazy guy Jass has to say, lol.)

    • Like 3
  3. @Everyone

    With that now out of the way, i feel inclied to ask: do you guys want spark to be a thing? I mean, i am willing to actually rework this into something else if you guys feel like it, after all, i'm not making this game for me, i'm making this game for you guys.




    Yes, I do want spark to be a thing, it has an enormous amount of potential to be a great game.


    I'd personally say go for either 2 or 3 and spend some more time developing the game. As a developer, I think that one should try to make their products the best you can, I know you might want to move on, but with that attitude your products will be lacking in quality. You should also attempt to give Spark a redesign, and rework the power-up system. As a follower of your work, you scrapping this would be very disappointing. Don't settle for mediocrity or lacklusterness Lake, I'm sure you can do better, I believe you can.


    You should also conciser a new name for your project that fits more with the entire mechanics of the game with the power-ups and stuff...I don't have any other ideas though...Spark N' Slash, I dunno have a random game name generator, you might find something cool, maybe. http://videogamena.me/ or just keep the name.

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  4. Yo Toffy, try using the edit function instead of double posting. And If you don't have enough material to start a thread, there's always the screenshots thread to show what you're working on. I'm also going to be that guy and say that no one is going to join your "collab" team with such low amounts of content to show as threads like these tend to be pretty common and usually not taken seriously. Perhaps when you have more things to show you can make a thread about it again and spark some interest about it. Just something to keep in mind.

  5. @Lake


    I do enjoy playing this a lot more than I did playing the version at SAGE, those things you added really helped the game IMO.


    However, there are still plenty of things that bother me, such as dying still being buggy as hell, dropped abilities not colliding with the ground and making you pretty much lose them, it's really annoying.


    About the power-ups, I do like them but I think maybe making you able to store them for when you want to use them and switch between them would be a good idea since once you lose it you would need to find another one, making you try to take care of the power-ups and giving them some sort of importance.

  6. I'm fine with this as long as the old 3DS still gets new games and developers don't focus on the new one, if they do I'm going to be fucking pissed because I got finally got mine last december (an 3DS XL mind you, which is more expensive). I don't want to buy another 3DS and don't plan to, as much as I would like to play Xenoblade Chronicles on the go.


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