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Posts posted by InfinityAlex

  1. One solution is to have both tracks play at the start of a level on a loop, but have your speed shoe variant silent; then, when the speed shoes are activated, have MMF2 switch the volumes, making your level track silent but your speedshoes play. This will give the illusion that the track has been sped up. Then, after speed shoes run out, have the volumes switch again.


    Hope this helped. ;)

  2. Well, I have a few more details of what I want to use it for... I want the player to be able to fall through it for secret goodies and the like... So I was wondering if this would change how I should approach it...

    OK, well, here's how I'd approach it. Use MPB's method of constant Y deceleration (going down) and place a sensor which the player object will touch when Sonic's sprite is no longer visible which will cause the player to lose a life. Just don't use this sensor when you don't want the quicksand to be harmful to players.

  3. I'm sorry, but I hate what I see. It seems so generic you might as well turn it into a parody.

    Are you gonna actually compliment anyone?! All I've ever seen you do is just bash fan games; you've called both mine and Felik's generic in the same damn night! I don't think you appreciate the amount of work that goes into making a fan game.

    • Like 1
  4. While I'm dropping in to sing the praises of just how much I love that running animation, the game's looking good.

    I'm really digging how Sonic fangames lately have been getting a massive boost in quality overall, there's so much polish and detail and attention going into a lot of things. I'd say this project's a pretty good example of it, the assets going into this, and the time put into all this, it's really impressive how much dedication you guys put into making this stuff, and even without any profits.


    Also watch out for the tracks that Can of Nothing made, that guy is a terrible musician and can't make stuff to save his life



    But seriously, thanks for the compliments, though! :P


    (er, dude, your stuff isn't in this demo as I'm still trying to fit it properly, but Worlds is being a bitch!)

    • Like 1
  5. Looks really generic. I recommend you switch back to the Banjo-Kazooie approach, then there would at least be something distinct about it.

    Actually, this game has a rather unique moveset and will have many interesting gimmicks down the line, as well as some awesome bosses. Maybe I'll use the open world idea some other game. ;)


    I'd say that the "genericness" you noted Miru would be due to the fact that (not much of) a single stage is being shown. Maybe you tune will change once more info is revealed. (Although, the Banjo-Kazooie approach can be used for another game)

    I didn't even notice the new shoes though, and it's a nice touch! Same with the Kamba badnik.

    I need more Dynamo pls :(

    Thanks a lot. I'll make sure to keep posting stuff here as it comes, though not too much! Don't want to spoil the game!



    SAGExpo is all volunteer work Proto Dan volunteered to do the video so he was given the task. If you are volunteering you can do next SAGExpo's trailer Highwire.


    But the point still stands; Dan's computer obviously can't handle this and his video editing software doesn't seem very advanced...




    I'm not going to spoil what it is but it isn't a remake of SEGAsonic, sorry.

    Although SEGA sonic is a relatively small game I might do it as a quick thing to tide over people waiting for this.


    I'll think about it, I'm better with small graphics then I am with larger ones which is why the background kinda sucks...


    Aw...that sucks. So, is this an original fan game then or another remake?



    Er, hate to be a backseat mod here, but there's generally a thing that applies here that applies to most forums; generally, if you're gonna post, try to make it constructive; what you've posted makes little sense and seems like it's been posted for the sake of raising your count. I appreciate that you're super excited to be on a forum as awesome as this one, but please, try to keep your posts above this. ;)

  8. I'm wanna play it! Hopefully it will not lag.

    Heh, calm yourself, dude! Don't worry, it's not very graphic intensive so it really shouldn't lag. However, anyone who had problems with the initial build of Chrono Adventure may have problems with this as I think it's using Direct X9...


    This is looking pretty nice. The desert stage reminds me of some concept artwork I did for Sonic Exodus before I left the team.

    Thanks for the compliment! Speaking of concept art, I have a little something to show you all!




    Bit of trivia for y'all; the literal translation of his Japanese name is rope cutter because I initially designed him to cut ropes on bridges. As well as this, his "English" name "Kamba" is actually the Swahili for rope cutter! :D

  9. Hopefully Proto Dan to remove that joke at the end. Dan was kind enough to volunteer do the trailer and I am grateful for him for it. No doubt it was a lot of work as there we many games to go through. Joke's aside people seem quite impressed with the array of games coming to SAGExpo, I know I was.


    If you'd like Highwire you can do the next SAGExpo's trailer. It's a community event and everyone is welcome to volunteer.

    With all due respect, the amount of effort is irrelevant. This trailer contains independent indie games and fanmade games which a lot of effort have been put into; games which could and, in the case of Blackshore, WILL be sold commercially; having them tied to this trailer seriously lowers the quality of their rep and could therefore put unnecessary marketing burdens and whatnot on the developers. This trailers needs to be pulled ASAP. It is highly unprofessional and I don't appreciate my game being tied to this incident.

    • Like 5
  10. Awesome. Although, once again, Sonic XG isn't at SAGE this year (Joe Waters claimed that Sonic XG would be at SAGE sometime last year, which I was looking forward to). I might have spoken too soon, or I'm freakin' nuts. I think it's the latter.


    Edit: At least I have the other games that interest me to play.  :iamafuckingtool:

    It's possible he just didn't submit anything for the trailer; he could still be participating.


    I agree with Jass, that music was uh, less than favorable, and was so loud it was clipping. And yes that bit at the end was not needed. It's making SAGE look like a joke.


    Edit: Here's a couple suggestions for music replacement.



    Or just about anything from the Jumping Flash series, namely these:



    Also, the boobs were really inappropriate, and they weren't at all funny to people who didn't get the reference. It's just bad for SAGE and insensitive to the female audience who I'm sure don't appreciate being marketed for sex appeal.

  11. Well, the SAGE trailer came out earlier than I anticipated, but here it is, my in-dev fangame, Sonic Dynamo. Let me just grab a copypasta from the SAGE booth! :3


    "Sonic Dynamo is being developed by InfinityAlex (project lead, level designer, programmer), ZigZagX (art, programmer), Hobbers (art, additional programming), PicsandPixels (art), Jassbec (musician), Mr Lange (musician) and Can of Nothing (guest musician). The game features custom sprites made by Hobbers and, upon completion of the soundtrack, music by Jassbec and Mr Lange. The project was initially called Sonic Paradise and we'd planned it as an open world project where the player would collect upgrades and complete tasks to advance, similar to the Banjo-Kazooie series, but during development, we decided to switch the focus of the game to a more traditional Classic Sonic game in an attempt to create a spiritual successor to the classic era series."


    In the SAGE demo, you'll see one complete zone, except from the fact that almost all of it's music is placeholder material right now. I'll be posting a trailer once we have one, but for now here are some screenshots not seen anywhere else;







    • Like 2
  12. No, that's not a nifty idea, especially not in an MMF2 game. First of all, there would be a fuck-ton of lag. Second of all, it would make it hard to bring the player into new places. Say you're walking from a savannah into a desert; you can't just stop having savannah-y things the instant you want desert; it would take much longer to segway into the new area, making things slower and boring.

  13. Me gustala, Alex.

    Also, kind of asking a bit much, but wouldn't it be cool if he was rotated in the direction he was moving when you took that snapshot?

    Oh Techo~

    That would look really weird; one minute, you'd be running vertically, and the next, woosh! He's sideways. Besides, it doesn't make sense for such a short gap.


    In my option, I think Sonic's sprite looks odd considering the angle Sonic looks to be launching at. Maybe use that corkscrew animation you see in 2/3K.

    It's all link to a specific ramp code I've implemented; it'll look a lot less odd when you play the game and see it all in motion.

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