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Everything posted by InfinityAlex

  1. So, I heard you're making a Sonic game? D'you need some final boss music? https://soundcloud.com/infinityalex/sonic-the-hedghegog-death-egg(Just a little present)
  2. I'm glad I read over what was posted while I was gone. I can't stop smiling while reading this! I don't even care if it is supposed to be offensive (my cynical nature kicking in)! Anyway, its not because I'm a disciple of Lake (which I probably am) that I make so much speculation over ATS, I just find that there's a lot to speculate about, and I like playing Sherlock. Anyway, looking forward to playing the game (any chance of a release on Sunday, before I go back to school again?), so please hurry up sound team! Oh, gawd, I need to sit my happy ass down. Lulz.
  3. I'm not sure whether you are being sincere... But yeah, this game is to be the sum of inspiration that Lake instilled in me.
  4. Hold on a minute... Is that "platform" at the bottom left of the Eternal Elevator concept something from another game with a blue hero, who is currently engaging in crossoverity with Sonic himself? Because it sure looks like it! Also, OBSIDIAN LULZ!
  5. You guys may remember this from a while back.http://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7957 Well, not only did Jassbec steal my idea, er, I mean decide to have a go at making his own prequel to Sonic 1, but I also had a better idea! Sonic CD Prequel. Sonic BTCD? Nope. Sonic Origins: Amy (definitely the game's working title, probably its final one as well) is now officially in progress. Here's some screenshots and stuff. Factory Forest Zone Screenshots (still a lot of work to be done) Factory Forest Zone Boss mock-up 1)Sonic is always running during the boss stages. 2)One can hit Robotnik just after he's smashed his pillar into the ground... 3)But be careful of the spiked balls that fall from the sky! 4)Tails and Amy will be found somewhere in the background in most boss fights (just an aesthetic). Title screen mock-up. Background and font colour to be changed. Will be updated as new material is made.
  6. You know what this means, sir? WAR! Anyways, I'll let you have this prequel, my storyline for Robotnik was rather un-Sonicy and extremely contradictory of itself. In other words, you've won this prequel, sir, but I have a Sonic CD Prequel to go and make a thread about! Also, I could lend you some ideas I'd been brainstorming for my game if you'd like them?
  7. 1st: I guess this means I can't revive Sonic Origins' Robotnik episode anymore...Damn. 2nd: I love the direction your taking this project in. If you need to, I'd see if I can fit in some time to make some cutscenes and digital art in between Sonic XD and DaHog's, as of yet unnamed, fan game project, if you want me to. 3rd: Why not use this?:
  8. That would make sense So yeah... Not much to talk about subject related. This must be why commercial developers leak screenshots... That aside, I think my favourite part of this, bar story of course, is the bosses. From what I've seen in the trailer, they look set to be even better than BTS, especially seeing as they don't suffer from Advance 2 syndrome (most of them anyway). Also Don't say I didn't warn you. EDIT: Again more spoilers. ONLY READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW. It felt really good when it struck me. You have been warned. I cannot be blamed if you guys read this and didn't want to know this stuff. Hopefully I've not blown Lake's plot wide open. If I have let me know and I'll delete this spoiler.
  9. 1)Sorry, I wasn't listening. I started thinking about Bleach when you named it. I love Bleach XD 2)I will try harder to avoid posting unlabelled spoilers in future. 3)Also, thank you for being understanding about me not meaning to spoil anything. @Lake
  10. First off, I'm sorry about what I've spoiled, about not knowing how to input the spoiler tag (I suck) and my sig (though I don't see what bearing this has on the subject). That last one I didn't know when I would be able to use the internet again. I'll delete the spoiler related questions from that post for future readers and as you've said, we'll just drop it. That said, and I have no intention of offending you, but no one is forcing you to read the posts. It's like...this guy on YouTube (great time to forget his name) and someone said they can't do anything because they have to watch the video. The publisher responded in exactly the same way. No one's telling you to read the post. Now, a bit more subject orientated. And seeing as I don't know how to put in spoiler tags yet. And my honest-to-*insert idol here* last question. Will you release the ATS sprite sheet? I have noticed it's a little different to BTS' own sheet.
  11. Someone PM me then. I'm not actually asking what purpose, if any the spheres serve. I think only the latter 2 questions contain spoilers. Being able to play as Super Sonic in the levels isn't really spoilers. We already know we can play as Super in the boss. And we have this feature called spoiler hiders.
  12. Just made Super Sonic's eyes a bit longer to make him look less, y'know...demented. Oh yeah, just a few questions as well.
  13. Sorry to be a killjoy but is this allowed here? I mean, when it says "Game Creation" I think it means fan games. This should probably be in General Discussion. However, talking with the subject this is really good. Do reckon you could span an Enderdragon for a Bio Lizard battle. What's that? Oh yes. Of course I know he'll tear up the whole damn Ark!
  14. Play through your game to check for bugs and offer impartial criticism.
  15. If there's one thing I learned from this place (just a few days ago), it's that you can't just go asking for help. I understand the position your in but create a playable demo first (Now I'm just plagarising from various people). Then if people like what they see they may get on board and help you out. However, you can't just go asking for help from the word "go". I should know, I've been there.
  16. I didn't actually mean to take the shortcut but I fell off the track and was desperately trying not to die. I don't really like going top speed on Windy Vally because I find it's pretty risky, what with all it low-walled pathways. Also, I'm taking Casinopolis out of the playthrough as it's just pinball and Super Sonic can glitch out the table. So, yeah...
  17. Once again thanks for your support Lake, I'm not going to do that again, you have my word. In May I'll come back to this forum with a playable demo of at least Act 1 of my first zone. I think the glitch has something to do with moving the tiles around, though the last time it happened it was only after I moved the green orb.
  18. Part 2 is now up. I clicked the link straight from the upload page so if there's any trouble let me know and I'll put up a new link.
  19. Thanks for your insight. Ristar, in no way do I think you are a douche, all you are doing is giving me your interpretation of what I'm trying to do. Lake, I had no idea you were mad at me at all. In retrospect, I can now say that if I asked you again (not that I am) and you said yes, I would try to have you doing as little as possible. Though coding is still the biggest part, I would be happy to do everything else (which thinking about it, still isn't a lot). By no means do I want you to do it for me. I didn't really think of it as blaming you but now I see it for what it is and I feel bad about it. I've been a massive dick about this. That said, I will have my fan game! It'll just take time... P.S.:This is what I meant when I said I can't program http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/3636/soshowcasefinal.png
  20. Yeah, Super controls like a bitch in this game. I also manage to break the springs in Emerald Coast sometimes. Also, part 2 is coming today but I imagine it won't be up until late afternoon because for some reason I have slow broadband. 4 bars but 300+ minutes to upload, according to youtube. And Ila, if you have the time can you edit the first post when I release a new part after the 14th of april as I can't access this website at my boarding school. It won't be a lot as I plan to have at least uploaded Speed Highway by then.
  21. Steering this vessel back on course, I can honestly say (though I'm not sure I'll be able to handle the death threats after doing so) that if Lake made a game that wasn't Sonic then I don't think I would recognise as something he's made. I'm not saying he needs Sonic Worlds to be a good developer, but his first fan game (BTS) started a certain charm which I think can only be portrayed in Sonic games, due to their characters. Lake took Tails and gave him more depth. "Hey! And now he's sacred of ghosts!" I think as I sit and watch the ATS trailer. We already have profiles for characters but Lake extends them, gives us something unexpected. This is why I feel I wouldn't recognise an indie game as being Lake's without knowing before hand. If I played ATS without even knowing what it is called and somehow missing the title screen, I could play through Horizon Heights and say "Hey, Lake made this, didn't he?" That said, I'm hoping someone can prove me wrong. I'm ready for the debate!
  22. Well I'm just posting but I'm not against any critique. I'm assuming most of this will focus on how bad I am at the game but I don't mind. If I were to do commentary, it would probably be on my opinions of the levels, the mod and the game as a whole. I may also occasionally toss out some Sonic related trivia...
  23. Some of you guys may remember Super SADX, a hack of the PC version of Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. It allowed the player to use Super Sonic in the action stages, as was originally intended. I have decided to create a playthrough of the hack and will edit this post every time a new part comes out. The first part (which is 78% uploaded, at the time of writing) has no commentary but commentary will be added for the second part onwards. I also hope to be doing co-commentary, if anyone is intrested. Here are the parts: Part 1-Emerald Coast (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRekFurK00I) Part 2-Windy Vally (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLXFA91UDbw&feature=youtu.be) Part 3-Ice Cap (NYR) Part 4-Twinkle Park (NYR) Part 5-Speed Highway (NYR) Part 6-Red Mountain (NYR-Don't know how to get to it) Part 7-Sky Deck (NYR) Part 8-Lost World (NYR) Part 9-Final Egg (NYR-Don't know how to get to it) Extra Part A-Perfect Chaos (NYR) Extra Part B-Sand Hill (NYR-Don't know how to get to it) If anyone can tell me how to get to levels which I don't know how to access, that would be greatly appreciated. I suck at SADX.
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