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Everything posted by JoeMD

  1. No, not really Pharaoh. Just using it for illustrative purposes.
  2. And what kind of kid is that?
  3. Don't know if I'd call them "budget" but I understand what you're getting at.
  4. What the hell is SWAG, anyway? Kids say it all the time and I've no idea. Must be getting old.
  5. Seeing as a lot of the members here seem to be of the younger generation (Gen Y mostly, it seems) I'm wondering how many here are Mario fans? I'm not. I grew up during the time when you were either a Sega man or a Nintendo man and you would wear your allegiance on your sleeve. School yard arguments, little sledges of "I bet your SNES can't do this," when showing off Sonic 2 to a Nintendo loving mate. Basically, "Sega does what NintenDON'T," is tattooed on my heart. In the intervening years I've softened somewhat. I actually own a 3DS and a DS. If you'd told a 13 year old me that I'd own a Nintendo console one day you'd probably get a barrage of abuse. Although I really do love my Ds-s, and some Nintendo franchises such as Pokemon, Zelda, Donkey Kong and Kid Icarus, I just can NOT bring myself to love Mario. But it's not just a result of him being Sonic's rival back in the day. I've played the games (admittedly the last one I played was New Super Mario Bros on DS) and I just don't enjoy them. I find them tedious and dull. However, younger gamers don't seem to have this issue. They started playing when that great war was over and the new war lord, Sony, had appeared on the screen. Nintendo is now to Sony what Sega used to be to Nintendo. It's very different. So, I'm interested, younger Sonic fans, do you consider yourself a fan of Mario as well? Does the old battles between the two even enter your mind? Is it something that even occurs to you, is it even on your radar or is it simply something old men, rocking on their porches loving holding the worn shell of their Mega Drives, mumble about to anyone who will listen?
  6. Currently playing Dragon Age: Origins again. Because it's awesome. On my 3DS I bought Shantae from the store and it's brilliant. Looking forward to the new HD game.
  7. I think I might be the oldest person on these forums. I feel a little creepy now...0_o
  8. Really? I'm a high school art teacher and I've kids from all grades, so that's an age bracket of 12-18, coming up to me and taking about Sonic. The bag I take to school with all my stuff is a Sonic shoulder bag. I always get comments on it and lots of the kids talk about how they enjoy the games. Sonic is defiantly known to kids, at least here in Australia.
  9. Honestly, I'd like to start seeing some continuity in Sonic games again. The original three (counting S3 and S&K as one game) obviously continued one from the other. However, recently all the stories have been self-contained. That isn't a bad thing necessarily, but I really like that idea of a "bigger world" that the original games had. Still, if this games is set off Mobius, which it appears to be, I guess we won't be getting that here.
  10. I'm not sure what you mean by "how does it work for cosplayers." It's at a convention, you can display your heart out. You don't want to go into organising this half cocked. Figure out what you want out of it first. As I said I'm happy to help where I can.
  11. Through the website I run, ChronicleChamber.com, I organised a gathering of Phantom fans. For the last four of five years we've meet up at the Supanova convention in sydney. Having the meeting at the con is great because 1) we all get to meet 2) it's a comic convention so there is lots of cool stuff to check out of interest to us 3) the con goes all day so there's plenty of time to do everything and we can hang out together afterwards as well. Also, people have the option of coming but not going to the con if they wish (we have out meeting and lunch outside). Maybe initially, at least for Australia, meeting at a convention of some kind might be the way to go. People intersted would probably be going anyway (I saw several cosplayers at the 2012 Supanova, not that we'd HAVE to go to that con) but it also gives others more insentive to come. It's been a succesful way of doing it for me in the past, so maybe something to consider?
  12. I'd love to see that as well. There seems to be a decent amount of Sonic fans here in AU, but they also seem to be spread out. I think any gathering would start small and then grow from there. Travel could also be an issue given the country is so vast. I'd be interested in discussing ideas.
  13. Just watched that 20 odd min video of the 3DS version. Looks so damn cool I really hope it works out well. With the next three games being exclusive to Nintendo I won't be playing any non-3DS Sonic games.
  14. I actually have no problem with Sandopolis. I think it's a rather fun level. Now, Marble Zone in Sonic 1, that gives me the willies!
  15. I'm excited for this. I'm hoping the 3DS version is quality as I'm never going to get a WiiU. I don't mind the Wisp powers at all, I think they break up the standard game play nicley.
  16. I enjoy both Adventure titles, probably more the first than the second, but they aren't without their faults. The Big sections in SA1 are terrible, and the Tails/ Robotnik mech stuff in SA2 is so dull and boring. I think it's unfair to compare 1999 graphics to those of 2013, but I do think the games look nice, especially during the games set pieces such as the aformentioned whale. I've not actually finished SA2 as I found the difficulty level (or maybe frustration level is more the right term) ramps up so much at the end I go sick of fighting with it. However, I do still play and enjoy them.
  17. I'm at esotericgentleman.tumblr.com I'm happy to follow anyone back.
  18. I think it makes sense. Man of Steel set the tone for the DC movie universe. Everyone knows who Batman is thanks to the recent trilogy so they don't need to revisit the origin in a new film. Throwing him in with Superman means you don't have the "baggage" of an origin so you can get right into the meat of the relationship between the two characters, which is a big part of what makes the JLA tick. I'm not a Superman fan at all but I really enjoyed Man of Steel. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one pans out.
  19. G'day folks, Joe here. I found Sonic United by following a link on TZZS. From what I've seen it looks like a really nice site and I've added it to my RSS feed. What I'm really happy to see though is a community that seems friendly and positive. I recently stopped visiting one particular site becuase there was just SO much negativity there it was depresing to visit. So it's great to be a part of this community and I look forward to chatting with everyone. My history with Sonic is life long. My first Sonic game was Sonic 2 on the Mega Drive and I instantly fell in love with the character. I played that at a mates place though, so as I had a Master System I bought all the Sonic titles I could for that. Eventualy I "graduated" to a Mega Drive myself and picked up the first two Sonic titles. I missed out on the Saturn era, although there weren't many Sonic games then anyway. With the Dreamcast of course I had Sonic Adventure and loved it, I thought it was the most amazing thing ever. After the "death" of the Dreamcast I fell out of console gaming so Sonic kind of disappeared into the background, but I was always aware of the new games coming out. However, due to going exclusivley PC for gaming I missed all of the Sonic games released in those years. A few years ago I decided to pick up a DS, about two years after it's initial release. The first game I bought was Sonic Rush Adventure and I fell in love with the character all over again. About the same time I got heavily into retro gaming and bought all the Mega Drive titles, as well as the Master System and Dreamcast ones (apart from Sonic Shuffle which I still need). Sonic has now become one a franchise I activly collect, I've started amasing a rather nice collection if I do say so myself (I've a Flickr gallery if you'd like to take a look), and buy the Archie comic every month. It's pretty same to say I'm a Sonic diehard fan. Other than Sonic, I'm a HUGE comics fan (they are my first geeky love), I'm also very big on Dr. Who, sci-fi, fantasy and video games in general. Well, I've probably bored you all enough now, so I'll end this here. Cheers.
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