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Posts posted by justin123

  1. Hi all! I'm conducting a survey to collect data on the frequency, duration and preference of social media users. This was given as a project in my data mining course here at Tuskegee University (TU!). I'm required to accumulate at least 50 responses, so any help is much appreciated! Just as a treat, I'll post the results when I finish the project.

    Link to survey:


    Thanks for helping a brutha pass this class!

  2. Hi all! Just posting to let you all know that this project is not dead, I'm just bogged down with college and personal stuff. I'm currently rewriting my custom editor in a way that allows more extensibility as the engine becomes more developed and streamlines the development process as a whole. I've decided to do away with the current pixel-based collision system and implement Box2D as my primary collision library. Currently, the level editor is my focus, as implementation of this style collision is not an easy feat considering ear-clipping, holes, concavity and what not, but I'm making progress. I'm also tossing around other ideas regarding mobile development using this engine, or atleast a more lightweight variant of it (not running a sonic 2 clone though...). So, slow progress is better than no progress, but things should pick up again once my editor gets closer to a more complete and stable build.


    Gives me this error:


    ERROR in
    action number 6
    of  Step Event
    for object objPlayer:
    In script scrPlayerHandleObjectsSprings:
    Error in code at line 10:
             Speed = cos( degtorad(spring.direction))*_ObjectHandle.SpringStrength
    at position 30: Unknown variable spring
    I tried changing spring.direction to objSpringParent.direction but it gives me this:
    ERROR in
    action number 6
    of  Step Event
    for object objPlayer:
    In script scrPlayerHandleObjectsSprings:
    Error in code at line 10:
             Speed = cos( degtorad(objSpringParent.direction))*_ObjectHandle.SpringStrength
    at position 46: Unknown variable direction


    Is direction no longer a default variable for objects (like x, y, etc.) in GML? I haven't programmed in it for a few years now. Anyways, the fix for this error is simply declaring the variable (its quite obvious btw). I really expected you to copy the idea, not the actual code lol.

  4. Try this:

    Speed = cos( degtorad(spring.direction))*_ObjectHandle.SpringStrength
    Gravity = sin( degtorad(spring.direction))*_ObjectHandle.SpringStrength

    You'll have to set the direction in each individual spring object depending on your implementation, but this code should move the player in the desired direction. This can be used for all springs, so I would recommend putting this into a script so your code look cleaner.

  5. I'd really like to add layers to enhance level design. The problem is, that the collision force-ably makes Sonic want to be in that layer.

    I tried

    if layer==other.layer
    Collision coding here<---

    To no avail. Any help is appreciated.

    I'm not sure what your problem is, but you've taken the right approach to layering. Implement this into a collision script common to all of your collision functions. I like to always allow collision with layer 0 so that layer control is more forgiving. Try to define a standard for layering otherwise layer switching becomes a hassle to keep up with (2 low layers, 2 high layers maybe?). Erm, good luck!

  6. I've got a windows 8, HP envy 9v6 laptop. It's custom built, so just saying that much won't tell you much. I have 2 i7 cores, and the Nvidia Geforce GT. It can run skyrim on full graphics with little to no lag. I'm unsure of exact specs, nor do i feel like finding them, it's been a while since i've tinkered with this baby.

    And I have every version of VC from 2005 to 2012.


    It says this when I run either of the .exe s:


    This is not a problem on my end, seeing that codecvt is part of the standard library which should be implemented in the runtime libraries provided by Microsoft in this case. Maybe your install of the runtime is corrupt? I'll just have to rebuild the engine linking to the static libraries instead of the dll's in future versions.


    Try un-installing the 2012 runtime libraries and re-installing them, maybe you're out of date. The engine is just a 32-bit application, so you should be able to run it on 64 bit windows.

  7. Got it.

    Working under the assumption that is the fps counter at the top I get anywhere between 860 and 1400.

    Runs pretty well. Although it's got a fair share of glitches in this demo. Collision detection gives out 100% halfway through the level and you go plummeting into the void. Corkscrews don't work, you can't go up from underneath bridges, Loop doesn't work properly, sprite layering is off, sonic is always on top.

    It runs as I expected. The problem with the loop lies with the layer switching method I'm using at the moment that allows for multiple layers rather than just having a low layer and a high layer. Corkscrews is next on my to-do list after I fix the platform bugs, like the bridge for example. As far as the rest of the level, where you fell through is where I stopped mapping collision masks. I only mapped enough to implement basic features and to sort of get a feel of how the rest of the level will be laid out (as you see layering is incorrect). The next version will have most of these bugs fixed.

  8. I've uploaded another test build, this time with updated physics! There are still a few bugs with platform objects etc, but I'll get around to fixing those soon. The DirectX 9 renderer is set to default in this version, but feel free to switch to the OpenGL renderer (renderer=1) if you wish to do so, they run just about at the same speed for me. I don't know if anyone is still interested in this project, but maybe soon I'll have a stable version of the SADE Editor ready to keep you guys interested. There are still some random bugs to fix and missing features to implement before I feel comfortable releasing the thing. But anyways, stay tuned and let me know what you guys think.


  9. It's been a few months since my last engine test. I've uploaded yet another, this time focusing on improving the underlying engine, not the Sonic engine running on top of it. I've fixed the OpenGL renderer in this build and it's enabled in the config file. Let me know if there any graphical issues with it. It would help me out a bunch if you guys were to post your Graphics Card specs and frame rate because I'm not sure which version of OpenGL your card may support, but SDL chooses the highest version supported.

    My Dell Inspiron N5050 Laptop:

    Intel Sandy Bridge Core i3 2.3ghz

    Intel HD Integrated Graphics 3000 (OpenGL 3.0)

    FPS: 160 - 200

    MY Custom Desktop Build:

    AMD Phenom X4 965 BE @ 3.4ghz

    AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB (OpenGL 4.1)

    FPS: constant 60 (assuming the drivers limit OpenGL frame rate)

    I'm not sure how it will behave with versions of OpenGL lower than 3.0 so feedback will be much appreciated. Lastly, you may experience a crash while starting up the game. This is not a bug in my engine, believe it or not, but the result of fixing a bug in my editor where two resources got the same ID number. To fix this would require starting the sonic engine over from a fresh project (which I'm too lazy to do). Just re-run it and it should start up.


    Silently updated the config file. It had a incorrect path to the game data.

  10. Or technically speaking, Sonic does not have to be moving at a constant minimal speed. You can lock Sonic's running animation, give him a constant horizontal force to push him back to one side and draw a repeating floor and background and move it as if it would when Sonic is running at a certain speed. That way you eliminate huge jumps in position. It's almost as if he's running on a treadmill.

  11. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    4gb RAM

    AMD Radeon HD 6700

    Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4ghz

    Here's a vid of me recreating the small bug.


    Was the camera zoomed out like that the whole time? The camera is supposed to be set at a resolution of 320x240, but the video says otherwise. Neither my Radeon HD 7800 nor my crappy Intel HD Graphics 4000 does that. Even though the bridge is not supposed to do that, you wouldn't see that happen after it comes into view, so this might be 2 bugs I need to look into.


    I solved the bridge bug. It was just a matter of initializing a few vars to zero. Now on to the possible camera bug.

  12. When I started off, I simply got to the bridge as fast as possible and parts of it are missing. after a few seconds, the missing pieces appear from the bottom of the screen and move back into place. Due to the test physics, all I need to gain speed was to jump from the small slope near the beginning and I'm quick enough to see it

    What is your system specs? This may be a problem with the scripting library that is specific to your processor. I did manage to get a single log to disappear, but that was a result of tweaking the script compiler.


    Just going to drop this here. Couldn't help but notice that the physics were quite a ways off when I poked at this today.

    I know this guide very well (because I changed physic values to whats in the guide lol). I'll have to rewrite the player object to follow those guidelines a bit stricter. As of now my priorities are to complete the engine (to at least Game Maker 7 feature set) and maximize speed and efficiency, which was my purpose of writing this engine (IE Game Maker was way too slow). But I will read further into the guide and make changes if possible. BTW, how accurate is the worlds engine? I might port it to my engine if its easy to do so.

  13. Ran very smoothly. Physics were a bit odd but they are probs being used for testing.

    In terms of bugs of this build, when i got to the bridge once, parts of it where missing for a few seconds before appearing from the bottom of the screen. Also, I managed to get Sonic's animations to spaz out somehow (he rotated a bit before running through the rest of his animations before disappearing).

    I know about the animation bug, but can you reproduce the bridge bug. I haven't noticed it disappearing before, though it doesn't behave they way I'd like it to anyways.

  14. I thought I should release new build to show that this engine is still making progress. This new version has a revamped object system so that instances can interact with each other more easily (you'll notice the bridge object). It also should use a lot less memory as well. More updates are coming soon!


    If you run the debug version, It'll ask you to make an firewall exception. This is because the script debugger runs its own local server, so don't be alarmed.

  15. Just another update, I'm also doing away with pixel collision in the next build. Instead, I'm integrating collision and physics via Box2D. I've also implemented Moore's Neighborhood contour tracing algorithm into the editor to allow easy conversion of image based collision masks into edge shapes that are compatible with Box2D. So it will be a while until I release another build, but your wait should be well worth it.

  16. Pfft! Oh, right. I did imply I'd test this out... Heh.

    Just got around to it.

    59.997~60.002 Frames/sec

    My Laptop:

    Windows 8: CP 64-bit

    Intel i5 2410M (Quad) @2.53GHz

    6GB RAM

    Toshiba Satellite E305

    Intel HD Graphics 3000

    Not shocked at all. I doubt any 2D game/engine is going to be more complex than Dolphin or PCSX2. Both run full speed on pretty high settings.

    The real test would be running it on my old Iphone 3G lol.

    EDIT: Overall, this looks like a pretty solid engine, especially since it seems like you're coding it from scratch in C++ of all languages.

    Well lets be correct, the sonic engine is completely scripted in AngelScript, all the engine does is pretty much collision detection, rendering, and provides the function bindings for AngelScript. Since I haven't implemented a script debugger yet, this setup makes finding bugs hell because I can't yet step through scripts as I could in the C++ code. So there are minor bugs in the engine regarding sonic's physics, for example, try jumping while upside down on the loop.

    EDIT2: So it runs DX9? I'd recommend trying to implement DX11 support. But there's no hurry on that.

    I originally planned to support only DX9, OpenGL 2.1, and OpenGLES 2, but If I decide to anything advanced in 3D, it would only be wise to implement support for DX11 and OpenGL 3-4 as well. This support will come much later though.

    • Have Sonic double his spped when he runs uninterrupted.
    • Make it possible for "Tails" to accompany him.
    • If "Tails" is not in, then please ignore that remark.
    • If it is possible, please make this online capable.
    • There are so many fans asking for Co-Op compatibility as in the old Genesis games. Please make it happen.
    • A side story for Amy Rose and Cream the Rabbit (if possible).

    These are all good suggestions, though I was only looking for engine features on the C++ side. So I'll have to look into a cross-platform way of doing online multiplayer. The rest can pretty much be scripted.

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