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Status Updates posted by Candescence

  1. So. There's some prudish moron on my game's comment section complaining about smut when what he's complaining about is mainly mild fanservice.

    1. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Trolled i- I mean, on it.

    2. OverbounD
    3. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Oh...I forgot you could do that. Dang I wish my mod power-ups worked there.

  2. >can't find decent references of Ranamon's legs and feet at the angle at I want. FFFFFFFFFFFFF-

    1. GSF


      Seriously? Renamon's pretty much THE furbait. Go look around furry sites. Get that brain bleach handy, though...

      (or go watch Tamers again).

    2. ZigZaX


      Ranamon =/= Renamon

    3. GSF



      I thought that was an E.

  3. Geez, I really need some sprite help for HBS's next demo, but nobody's willing to help. Once again, geez...

  4. Goddamn it, SAGE is more than a month away and I still don't have an animator/artist to help me expand my project. Argh.

    1. Candescence


      The frustrations of being a game designer who is bad at art :(

    2. WreckingPrograms


      I know what you mean, it's awful. I hope you can make it in time.

    3. Jassbec


      I can relate, man.

  5. GUESS WHAT KEN PENDERS HAS COOKED THIS TIME. MY EYES. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmCuZ3WCAAAvQAm.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jassbec


      what is this I don't even

    3. Clouder


      Looking at that makes me want to shoot myself in the head.

    4. Proto Dan
  6. Anyone with a tablet should check out Mischief if they haven't done so. The vector-based rendering and infinite canvas is amazing for working with small details.

  7. I managed to make a fun little addition to the AI of one of the basic enemies in HBS, said enemy will attempt to chase after you if you go out of sight, and then return to its spawn point after the alert period is over.

    1. Candescence


      And all this involves pathfinding, so enemies will attempt to navigate platforms and stuff to reach their destination. Makes the enemies seem a bit smarter.

  8. Well, since I'm trying to draw attention to get an artist/animator on board at least, might as well make a request thread.

  9. The fact that my game isn't even on the TSSZ poll is something I'm not sure I should be amused or annoyed by.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GSF


      Ahahahahahah, indeed

    3. Candescence


      Why a VM? There's native binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux.

    4. GSF


      Is that so? Ohhhhhhhhhh okay.

      (sorry, whenever SAGE comes I just assume I need to have the VM handy, lol. Downloading now.)

  10. For the hell of it, I decided to replay Thirdscape. Wow, old fan games were... Not good.

  11. Kazemon is now playable in Heroic Battle Spirit. Screenshot in the screenshots thread!

  12. Videos of Heroic Battle Spirit are now in the screenshot thread.

  13. 4-Player multiplayer in Heroic Battle Spirit is working. Not balanced or perfect, but very playable. Gonna focus on 'adventure mode' tomorrow. Getting shit done feels great.

  14. I'm one step closer to getting duplicate characters working, I just need to fiddle around to see why one character's duplicates are fine and the others aren't.

  15. At this rate, I think I'll probably make SAGE Act I, as long as I keep trucking - I'm focusing on the VS. mode portion of my demo, though I think I can use the Digimon sprites to present a more polished 'adventure mode' in a shorter time. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/919275/MultiPurposePlat/Screenshots/TestArena.png

    1. OverbounD


      This is great news and I'm getting really excited for this project.

    2. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      This looks very awesome! Looking forward to it!

    3. Candescence
  16. As much as I really want to restart work on my Digimon RPG, a top-down turn-based RPG is infuriatingly incompatible with my current philosophy for video game narratives.

    1. GSF


      So what direction are you taking it to now?

    2. Candescence


      I want to make an action RPG, but that would likely involve going one step further and making it 3D, since it would be far easier to make a 3D Digimon real-time RPG than a 2D one, due to a ton of models already existing, it's just a matter of animating them, which is also much easier than creating 2D animations from scratch.

    3. Candescence


      Of course, in order to pull it off, I'd need to work with someone else, and figure out programming in a 3D game engine - Unity would be easier, I think.

  17. Yeah, I'm gonna call Streak's engine a lost cause by now. The fact that it CRASHED just by removing function calls that shouldn't need to be there (which shouldn't even be possible, by the way) makes me realize that the whole thing is too complicated for its own good.

    1. GSF


      That's on Construct?

    2. Candescence


      Porting over from Classic to C2.

    3. ila


      I hate to admit it, especially after I pumped it up so much, but C2 just might not be the creation tool I thought it would be.

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