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Posts posted by DiabloHedgehog

  1. Oh. That's Sonic Super Velocity.

    ...Sorry, but I have no idea if there's a demo of it.

    I had a very basic 1 stage "test" but shortly after that I had problems and lost all progress, I still kick myself for not backing that stuff up but oh well, maybe again in the future lol.

    Sorry for the bump, the last 2 years has flown past so quickly I still remember sitting in my room at uni working on that sonic sv remake instead doing my actual uni project C_C

  2. I'm soon to start working on an iPhone app project but this fangame is still being made on the side, I think by sage a complete game may not exsist but hey it happens to all of us.

    I am finding it hard to get my head around everything I want to do in the worlds engine, a lot of the physics and events I will never use in my own game, so I decided to build my own much more simple but still sonic styled mmf engine. slopes and loops will still be there but the game in no way is trying to emulate a megadrive 16 bit game like most games. I want to keep things unique.

  3. A lot of shit has been going on and my iPhone development plans have changed slightly, I still want to do it but later in the year. The engine I want to use for the iPhone can be used on the pc too so the best way for me to learn it is on a pc first.


    You know what? so many times I have started an idea but after a few weeks given up or delayed it to the end of time... i'm going to finish this game one way or another and right now i'll continue the MMF version even if it is just an edited sonic worlds without fancy shields and other pointless gimmicks.

    Looking back at my work I want to remake the level tiles and revise my actions, the Sonic sprite will stay as it is but I will make sure the level tiles fit better and are easier for me to work with so I can make levels more fun without stressing myself out and delaying the game again.

    So, officially, it's back on.

  4. There has been a trick since MMF1 to do real time ripples but it takes a lot of cpu, and no extensions required. I used it for head haze in Nakiti Generations (if anyone remembers that)

    Make an object like a dust cloud but make it 100% transparent, apply the built in MMF AA for active objects and all edges to that smoke sprite will distort. Just don't expect a 320x240 fullscreen sprite to not slow your game down.

  5. I been playing around with a very basic rigged up sonic model and gave it a go trying to produce frames for a 2D sprite, these are a very slap-bang rush job just to see how they turned out.


    Sonic is only using base colours with a toon like filter, i'm going to try to see how much I can improve his pixelated look when I can. If I can get a good looking sprite without having to touch up the renders i'll pump out a full sprite sheet for sfghq.

    *edit* better sprite:


  6. It's ok if you want to make money off a Sonic clone. It's a good idea.

    It's a little more then a "sonic clone", that would just run me into trouble with SEGA. It does look at sonic for inspiration though mainly the rolling around part.

    For people who do not have touch/iphones I guess you will just have to watch any video's, they are worth buying though as they are great little hand heald's and becoming cheaper every other month.

  7. I just want to say that SSV is being converted into a unique original game for the iPhone/touch, while what has been done so far is not going to waste as it's all just taking a turn.

    And no, it's not a sonic fan game for the iphone/touch :P but same assets. My reason for doing this? I love fan gaming and always have but I feel this is more worthwhile, plus it's testing new waters, i'll show something for sage still for sure.

  8. Apart from one tv monitor at the very beginning of the stage up in a tree you can access everything else without taking damage. The emblem things do nothing yet but like time attacked you will have to collect them all to unlock little extra features, gives the game some simple replay value. There will be a time attack so you can replay stages easier.

    Because sonic is 1.5 times bigger then the regular megadrive/genesis sprites the level tiles are all 256x256, I just draw them and make sure slopes match up.

    Damizean is helping me with the event editor side of things so you can expect a smooth running game by the time the game is released at sage :D

  9. Yeah the default keys are still there, forgot all about those.

    I'll look at the frame rate thing though, i've not made stuff off screen disable or anything yet but my p4 2.6 that i've had for the last 6 years is getting a solid 60 frames, hm.

    *edit* I moved the frame rate counter to the "end" key, if you need to find out what rate you get.

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