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Everything posted by A.T.

  1. Well I recently took a huge break from Sonic Redux (Sonic United now) due to some world wide trips (went to Norway and Sweden and I currently live in the States), so now that I am coming back I am seeing new members and new topics and discussions. I would hate to say this but would anyone mind filling me in on any recent news? haha Thanks for the help
  2. Sounds terrible...how can this appeal to anyone. The Deadly Six looks like its for some 3 year old monster cartoon show.... This game completely changed the route for sonic.
  3. There are 6 guardians of each 6 sections on the "Lost World" which would be a good way to describe it as "Worlds" as it is in the title. My guess is that the guardians are - Ice Fire / Lava Sand / Desert Water Forest / Grass Ground / Earth styles Now everything I am stating is just my own hypothesis and I have no idea how accurate I am nor have I done any research because in my opinion this looks like another garbage spin off with only Sonic and Tails as main characters....
  4. Well as nerdy as it sounds I started back up the ol' MMORPG RuneScape again, mainly do get more ideas for a project that a couple of my friends and I are doing. We are going to attempt a Java based online game, idk how it will turn out but oh well. Also I been playing NHL 10 on my PS3 as well as GTA IV for my PC using a couple mods like the Daniel Craig: James Bond mod....
  5. Here is a work in progress piece of digital art. It's Raiden from the Metal Gear Solid Series. It's surely not my greatest piece of work and still needs a lot of work needed but it's looking nicely so far. This piece is him in his latest appearance Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  6. I will actually be mad if it's one of those crummy rpg style games....Sonic is a plat former not a RPG series. Sonic Lost Worlds just sounds like one of those Final Fantasy RPG games... -.-
  7. Ahh I remember early level hacking and such for this game. Those were the days...probably one reason why I got banned on Xbox...
  8. thats a lot to ask for... You can always learn to develop your own engine, plus I don't think SG is ready for any release, however he can correct me if I am wrong.
  9. Sold a laptop guide for $500....I think they thought it was a laptop..

  10. What's up with all these crushes :| I got a current crush on a girl, but I already know that she likes me and stuff like that cuz of a couple nights ago haha, but I am going to wait till it gets to anything more
  11. I own near all Star Wars games and own all movies. I was quite the fan of Star Wars back in its prime...
  12. Hell I hate it when you have to gamble on whether you should ask the girl out or not. Biggest gamble, one day she may like you and next she may not. Hopefully your luck is good!
  13. It's not bad! I would work on that front shoe though. The perspective is a bit off
  14. Oh how I wished this game was real Sega will never ever make something this good sadly
  15. Been a while since I posted something new :o

  16. Topic is locked due to the style of these topics get spammy and we have had them in the past. Please don't feel discouraged that this is being locked. There are plenty more style of Forum Games, but we do not support games in which posters make posts with little to no value but rather as a style of 'bumping' game. Please come up with a more effective style of Forum Game. If you have any questions just ask a moderator or admin (Stritix). Thank you
  17. - really spammy ... But I don't know about the standing of this topic, currently it's open but there MAY be a change to that. I don't know for sure
  18. idk - I may upload an early demo for web browsers. It will be on my website, which is currently under major construction. But for a full fledge demo it will be a little bit. It depends on if I should work more on the animation series (Sonic Cartoon) or the game. I was thinking of doing a couple fixes to the game however as we speak right now.
  19. Here I list some software and how good they are for making cartoons - http://andrew-t-r.quazen.com/arts/animation/best-cartoon-developing-software/

  20. Yes its a sandbox game built from its own engine within Unity Game Engine. There is currently no water as of right now, but the idea of adding water and running on it is possible and will hopefully be added soon.
  21. Did I say I enjoyed the game? no.. But you can't say the CG movies are bad now can you? or the music but that's off topic. Plus 2/3 photos I posted were from Shadow the Hedgehog
  22. CGI images and such like those are my favorite too! If only a game can look as good as these :\
  23. Here is an article I did over best game development software - http://gameolosophy.com/games/best-game-development-software/

  24. Never said I was making Sonic X season 4 either... haha It has the art style of Sonic X somewhat but there is NO connection between the two. ORIGINAL PROJECT Not a next series to any Sonic Show!
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