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Posts posted by Endri

  1. Ha, who's better to comment on music if it isn't Lark?

    I actually like the direction you put the music into. Heh, I don't even know what to say. To me, the music is already good. If you wan't to make it even better, you should really follow Lark's tips.

  2. No. I'm not been "harsh". I just wanted to make my point clear. How is he going to improve over a weak and baseless critcism? That's why I tried to point where his flaws are, and suggested how he could improve.

    That being said, the engine is really good. I'm sure he'll improve the level design in his first demo.
    That's exactly the problem.

    We already know how the engine looks like. We want to know how HIS game looks like.

  3. ...This video is an example of how levels should NOT be in a Sonic fan game.

    This video made the game look a thousand fold more uninteresting than the previous videos, the mockups you previously posted and even the very game concept in general.

    What you presented in this video is nothing more but the base engine, with boost and homming attack added to it, with an *awful* background, and a level (which I dare to assume as a 'test'' level) with dubious level design and object placement.

    Other than that, the game just looks like the (now very common) base engine, with nothing to make it interesting at all. If you would at least be using the custom sprites, it would be more interesting. Because every fan game now uses the advance sprites, using them as well and not having anything original in other aspects such as level designs, or enemies, or gimmicks, or whatever, won't make your game stand out more than the others.

    You should really ask Felik for some leads about level designing. Because he's one of the best level designers I know, and he's very experienced in level designing for fast-paced fan games. You should also play Sonic Fusion to have an idea of how level designs should be for games that are supposed to be fast, as is yours.

    ...because, currently, your game is a 'wanna be fast, but I've no where to run'.

    Then again, the game is yours, and so is the decisions taken.

  4. Why don't you use Sonic Battle's sprites? They are in Sonic Advance format, and there are plentty of combat moves there. Also, if you open the rom with TLP or any other equivalent, you are bond to find the unused sprites of the game, which too contain lots of fighting frames. That's just an idea, though.

    Based on Sonic Battle's sprites, you can do some basic editings, if needed. Also, I belive someone in DA had done a sheet with the sprites of Sonic Advance in various fighting poses. I don't have the link right now, but I'll see if I can find it.

  5. What kind of criticism you want other than


    I do a little of sprite art too, and I must say I personally like your style. Specially the shading. Your shading technic is very unique. I like it a lot. In the "Super Sonic Kart" thing, I personally find this Eggman Kart really eyecandy. I like Sonic too, but, for some reason, I'm not very fond of his sprites. Guess this is due to his eyes been too big in the frontal view (I mean, there's almost no blue in the face), his shoes are in a different position in the frontal view as well. His knees and elbows needs to be a taddy bit more bent. All that, of cource, to meet the styles of the other sprites in this sheet. The eggmobile is perfect. Oh god, I belive it couldn't be better actually. The Eggman sprites are perfect too. My only complain is that the second, from the second row and collumm needs one more line of black pixels both in the side and top of the left eye (right eye in his point of view).

    Scott is simply, the breed of Hi-def with classic spriting. It is sprited in such a creative way. The choice of colors. Everything matches flawlessly. Also, I find funny how people actually call your game a fan-game, when it is actually a game you created, with your own developed characters, with your own direction. It's not like you are making a fan-game of your own game. Also, Scott's head could use some rounding. Rounded-headed characters tends to be more carismatic, docille, appealing and atractive. Just look to Dexter from Jack and Dexter, Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank (even Clank, he's almost all-rounded -no pun intended), toon Link from Zelda WindWanker, PhantonHourglass, MinshCap, etc... Even classic Sonic. You could consider that.

    Because, right now, his head looks a little too "squary". Although I particullary like the squary looks of his.

    About the train, as I said before, your shading technic is unusual. I like it to the very bit of it.

    The backgrounds and foregrounds are simply exceptional! They are... basic, but so well done. With so much effort put on them. They are simple, but beautful.

    Dysney's Scott is simply beautful, and cute! Very well developed.

    In general, I like your art direction a lot.

    I hope I'm not been too picky on you. I just wanted to show you a concrete criticism.

    Wait, you said romhack? Actually, I considered making a "Sonic Drift" like hack to Super Mario Kart, but soon gave up on the idea, because I couldn't use custom... Sonic music. Then I started ASM hacking Super Street Racers, a Mario Kart look-a-like, which is a Genesis game (also a SNES game too, IIRC), and make a "Sonic Drift" Genesis hack. At least now we can have Sonic music on it. It's common knowledge today to port music over genesis games.

  6. Here is Crash Bandicoot 1. Notice the smart way of avoiding limited 3D technology:
    Crash was so ahead of it's time. It's close to unbelivable, now that I know how the PSX hardware really works, how they managed to get around the hardware limitations, and pull together a game this well elaborated.
    ahahahaha, I love how Bubsy talks incessantly. You should make Sonic do the same.
    Definitely! XD
  7. Actually I do have 2 spare monitors here. But they are small, 15", CRT of 4:3 dimensions, monitors. Since I program everything around a 1080p resolution, and then scale down for lower resolutions accordinly as needed, it's pretty hard to get around with them. 64bit of depth textures are pretty much like 24bit of depth textures. No, no, I don't feel confortable to work with them. I can use them to snap the screenshots, but these will be low resolution.

    Also, one question. Won't this year's SAGE be a huge, internet moving, expo event, as it has been these lasted years? I mean, 2007 and 2008 had such a huge hype.

  8. Okay. No light exists without shadows. Definitely.

    I was taking some screenshots last night to show the differences in resolution, and to show what the cut demo have so far, and then, my monitor started... umm... "ghosting" (the OSD keeps in front of the screen as if someone were remotely changing the monitor options). Much like as if it was haunted.

    So, I don't know what I'll do while I don't fix this one, or buy another, since I can't see a thing with the OSD in front of the screen. :(

    this sure is a huge misfortune streak...

  9. I don't care how large this game is, I really want to try it. If needed, I can host it for you through SAGE, but I'd probably need to take it down afterward. Can't guarantee how well it'll work, but if you need it, it's better than rapidshare....
    Oh, thanks, Neo Harzard, for the offer. I'm currently taking the time to optimize the resources for a release build. Which means, the board wins! I'll stop getting lazy and do the right thing once and for all. That been said, the project won't possibly overlap the 50MB mark... I guess. Although, currently what I optimized so far are 45 files, 34MB.
  10. So instead of filling up RAM you're going to hope that the user has enough memory bandwidth to stream your ridiculously large textures on-the-fly.

    I'm sorry, but honestly? I'd rather sit at a loading screen for 5-20 seconds if it meant a vastly smaller file size.

    Nevermind the fact that finding a good place to host a 1gb file is going to be just about impossible. Most of the places with 1gb limits aren't exactly what you'd call "stable hosting". You are going to hit internet bandwidth caps fast and hard.

    This does not make sense on any level to me.

    That's what I said, BlazeHedgehog. I use large assets for development only. Meaning, when the project get into public, it is pointless, almost absurd to have such a massive size.

    EDIT: I thought the case was solutioned when I said the words "no internet conection" and "formatted". I'm not releasing anything anytime soon.

    Yes, I'm sure my 384MB of RAM and 8MB VRAM can take on your massive 64bit textures any day!
    ... <_<

    Oh! Hi Lark! I didn't know you were there... ouch

    ... if you had 64MB VRAM we could have a nice little talk...

    64bit textures
    Yay for floating points pixels and alpha!
  11. I'm not sure myself if I have answered this question before or not, but here it is anyway:

    For the DS, and iPhone for the matter, C++.

    The HQ PC version was a huge mix of lots of languages, but let's say BASIC with C, because I linked the BlitzMax module into my custom engine.

    Good. Well, can a geforce 9800 gt run this fine?
    Dude, this is a fangame. I'm sure a geforce 9800 could run any newer commercial game without problems. Unless Endri absolutely horribly optimizes his game, you should have no problems.
    Yes, that. Exactly what Cyber Rat said.

    The game is well optmized and well stable. Can possible run even in a onboard Intel Chipset GPU.

    Maybe even in Lark's computer! XD

    EDIT: ... although it is indeed a fan game, the source engine used is very complex, so we should refrain from depreciating it, or the opposite, since it uses shaders. And shaders are no fun and games, you know. Before, the engine used pixel and vertex shader 3.0, but thanks to Damizean hint, it now uses selective shaders 1.0 through 3.0. If your GPU currently support the technology, it uses the highest level commands from determinated tasks, if not, uses low level functions. If you use Vista with DX10, and your GPU has shaders 3.0 capabilities, then it will use the GPU instructions for mostly every pre and post rendering with little to no performance cost at all, leaving the entire CPU time free, meaning, smooth, fast, 60fps gameplay.

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