Sonic X-Treme Playable Build Released
After 19 years, a programmer by the name of JohnnyBravo found a build of the engine, and since then has been working to make Sonic X-Treme playable on your PC. You can download the playable build here. If you want…

Sonic 3 & Knuckles Remastered Petition
Christian Whitehead, who was behind the remakes for Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and Sonic CD has created a prototype for a Sonic 3 & Knuckles remake. He said that this is in no way affiliated with Sega and they need to…

Sonic Revolution on Hiatus for 2015; Large Event to Return Next Year
Today I bring some belated Hedgehog Day News from the Sonic Revolution team, which I have the honor of being a part of. Firstly, the bit of sad news. We are committed to making sure our event is a fantastic…

Weston Super Sonic Convention Tomorrow; Watch the Livestream!
Hello all! In less than 24 hours, the southwestern United Kingdom’s Sonic convention will be opening its doors for the second year in a row. Organized by several Summer of Sonic staff as well as other fans, Weston Super Sonic…

Sonic Unleashed Shaders Ported to Sonic Generations (WIP)
It’s been nearly two years since the release of Unleashed Project, a full conversion mod of Sonic Generations PC which ported all main Day stages from Sonic Unleashed to the platform. The mod was very positively received, for both allowing…

Sonic Globalka Discontinued; SuperSonicCon Announced
Greetings Sonic fans around the world! Ogilvie here with community event-related news. Sonic Globalka (or “Global Meeting”) has been a multi-day event held in Russia since 2005, predating Summer of Sonic and demonstrating that even a vast country like Russia…

Sonic London Winter Party (November 30, 2013) Recap
Hello everybody! Ogilvie here. As the PR guy (for lack of a better word) on the Sonic Revolution team and the community events guy (again, for lack of a better word) on the Sonic United team, it’s my responsibility to…

Sonic London: November Winter Party Details!
Greetings UK Sonic fans! Does it bum anyone out having to wait for Summer of Sonic once a year to be able to enjoy the company of fellow Sonic fans in a country as fond of Sonic as the United…

The Sonic Revolution: Events by the Fans, For the Fans Everywhere!
Hello Sonic United readers and Sonic fans everywhere! I’ve recently had the honor of being made a part of the Sonic United news team; I’m proud to announce that my focus will be on something of increasing frequency: fan events!…