Sonic Channel Comics: Miles “Tails” Prower – Grateful Ghosts
Sonic Channel has published the second comic with Miles “Tails” Prower and Grateful Ghosts. We have translated the comic for you in English. Big thanks to illuminor for the help. The next chapter of the comic is based on Knuckles.
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Sonic Channel has started publishing 25th Anniversary comics in Japanese. We have translated the first part of the comic for you in English. Act: 001 (Translated):
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There are shadows in this world that no one shall ever understand. Blood, lust, and hunger are everyone, dancing in the wind with Death. No one can hide from it. It lurks the darkness of everyone’s hearts. A simple camping
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What started out in September of 2001 has now become one of the most popular Sonic comics period and the greatest comic adapation of Sonic Adventure 2. Darkspeed’s Sonic Adventure 2 comic features an art style of traditional and digital
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