There are shadows in this world that no one shall ever understand. Blood, lust, and hunger are everyone, dancing in the wind with Death. No one can hide from it. It lurks the darkness of everyone’s hearts. A simple camping…

Darkspeeds’s Sonic Adventure 2 Comic
What started out in September of 2001 has now become one of the most popular Sonic comics period and the greatest comic adapation of Sonic Adventure 2. Darkspeed’s Sonic Adventure 2 comic features an art style of traditional and digital…

LOL Sonic: Rounds 31-40
Since funny pictures are serious business on the Internet, SoaH has gotten in on the act — but with a twist! Every so often, a Sonic related picture is posted in the “LOL This Sonic Fans” forum in our message…

LOL Sonic: Rounds 21-30
Since funny pictures are serious business on the Internet, SoaH has gotten in on the act — but with a twist! Every so often, a Sonic related picture is posted in the “LOL This Sonic Fans” forum in our message…

LOL Sonic: Rounds 11-20
Since funny pictures are serious business on the Internet, SoaH has gotten in on the act — but with a twist! Every so often, a Sonic related picture is posted in the “LOL This Sonic Fans” forum in our message…

LOL Sonic: Rounds 1-10
Since funny pictures are serious business on the Internet, SoaH has gotten in on the act — but with a twist! Every so often, a Sonic related picture is posted in the LOL This Sonic Fans forum in our message board….

Ultimate Flash Sonic
This great remake by Dennis-Gid features 4 playable characters to start, and 2 secret characters to unlock. Note: There is no gameplay differences between Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Cream.

Sonic Boom Cannon
In this game by Xanadu32, you take this hedgehog-powered cannon and fire your favorite Sonic character down courses to collect Rings, Chaos Emeralds, and distance for rings. Note: There is no gameplay differences between Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Cream.

Sonic Blox
Sonic meets Tetris for this fun puzzle game! Mikhail Kafanov’s Sonic Blox is a Tetris remake with a Sonic gleam. Rack up combos to get Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles to help you clear lines and stop Robotnik.

NiGHTS Arcade Game
Programmed by Bill Sattelmeyer for a part of a contest at SEGA.com, players can fly NiGHTS up and down while collecting orbs and going through the rings. Watch out for the enemies. Get hit and you’ll lose points.