New Sonic Colors Ultimate Update Released
A new update for Sonic Colors Ultimate has been released for the Nintendo Switch which addresses the issues with the audio when playing the game with headphones. Overall, it’s a fairly small update. Following the release of Sonic Colors Ultimate,
Read MoreIDW Sonic Comics Will Not Reference Sonic Rangers
Ian Flynn has stated in a recent podcast that SEGA prefer IDW to not reference the new Sonic games, as SEGA doesn’t want the comics stealing the new game’s thunder and spoiling new story elements introduced in the new games.
Read MoreNew Sonic Mega Collection Build Released
A new build of Sonic Mega Collection has been released. The new build is a pre-release demo build for the Nintendo GameCube. The build is part of a disc which also features pre-release demo builds of The Legend of Zelda:
Read MoreClassic Sonic Joins Sonic Racing
Classic Sonic has joined Sonic Racing as a playable character. The new update also features three new Green Hill tracks and brand new music. Classic Sonic’s car is based on the same car design from Sonic Drift. The new update
Read MoreSonic Hacking Contest Day 6 and 7 A Conclusion
For this final article, this will be less about a specific entry and more about my experience with the event as a whole. As the week and SHC has officially ended, I’m left with a very peculiar feeling. Bearing witness
Read MoreNew Sonic Channel Sonic & Knuckles 27th Anniversary Art Revealed
Today is the 27th anniversary of the release of “Sonic & Knuckles”. Combine various software with lock-on cartridge.Doing Sonic 3 & Knuckles.Playing Sonic 2 with Knuckles.Challenge the blue sphere. There were lots of ways to play. New official Sonic Channel
Read MoreIan Flynn Confirmed to be Part of Sonic Prime
Ian Flynn who is a longtime writer of the Sonic comics has been confirmed to be part of Sonic Prime. Duncan Rouleau who is a Man of Action writer and artist has confirmed Ian Flynn’s involvement in Sonic Prime. Duncan
Read MoreSonic Hacking Contest Days 4 and 5 Sonic Riders Needs to Return
So I tried out the two Sonic Riders entries of SHC. To be specific, one was for Sonic Riders and the other was for Sonic Riders Zero Gravity and man did these remind me of just how much fun these
Read MoreSEGA Set to Open New Arcade in Tokyo Japan
Last month one of Ikebukuro’s biggest landmarks, the huge SEGA Ikebukuro Gigo arcade, permanently closed after 28 years. The arcade was closed as the building will be renovated. Now, SEGA has announced a new arcade will be opening in Tokyo
Read MoreNew Sonic Merchandise Announced
A new official Sonic the Hedgehog themed Nintendo Switch case has been announced by SEGA Shop Europe. The new Nintendo Switch case features Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, and Knuckles the Echidna on the front of the case with
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