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SFGHQ Skype Chat Rules


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Rules for the Skype chat:


1) Please be respectful and behave appropriately at all times.

2) Don't insult others. While criticism of the works and projects of others is welcome and encouraged, making it personal is unacceptable.

2B) Be reasonable when being particularly critical, don't rage that someone's work is terrible and the like. Instead offer constructive advice, stating your points concisely and simply. Do not state the same thing more than once; the idea isn't to harass people.

3) Respect the opinions of others. If someone doesn't like your advice, criticism or maybe they happen to like a different series of video games or anime than you, please show some respect towards them. If you're mildly ribbing someone about something along those lines, it is your responsibility to make sure others know you are joking and you are not offending anyone. The occasional "just kidding" can go a long ways towards not offending someone and keeping yourself out of trouble.

3B) If you are on a receiving end of a joke you consider to be in poor taste let the offending party and ask them politely to stop. If you begin to feel harassed and the jokes aren't stopping let a mod know and they will address it.

4) In the event that a conversation becomes too heated or intense, a moderator will cite this rule and ask you to please move the conversation elsewhere. You may be silenced or warned at the mods discretion, as needed. Do NOT argue, use the appeals process.

5) If you notice a user breaking the rules, the best way to help is to report the incident to a moderator. Do not act as if you are a moderator, doing so will only cause further detriment and possibly a heated retaliation. Let the staff handle the matter and don't get involved; or you may be penalized too.

6) Each user is only allowed one account in the chat. Under no circumstances are you to create any alternate accounts Skype limits the number of participants in the chat, thus in order to ensure everyone can join, only one account per user, please.

6B) No impersonation of other users, especially moderators, is considered unacceptable and will result in an instant ban. This includes hacking, phishing or any other form of unauthorized use of another's account as well intentionally using similar names with the intent of misleading others and is not tolerated in ANY form.

7) Content and conversations considered NSFW should be labeled as such and posted sparingly and when reasonable. DO NOT start dumping porn shots or nude content just for the sake of doing so. Such obvious dumps or attempts to discuss porn directly, tagged NSFW or otherwise, are considered unacceptable.

7B) Content and conversations that include locations of where to find rom downloads or warez downloads/serial numbers are forbidden. Period. You can discuss them, but cannot ask where they are nor post them. Posting the links and the like in PM however, is acceptable. Posting of torrent trackers for example is okay, but NOT linking to torrents or saying "go here and search for". If you're not sure, PM it to be safe.

8) Blatant racism, sexism or prejudice. This includes homosexuals, those of African, Asian, Hispanic or lunar decent, as well as those who live alternative life styles, Discrimination is not accepted here.

9) The level of maturity featured in our channel should not exceed the level of mature content one may in an episode of The Simpsons or Family Guy. If it can't be on prime time cable television, it might not be allowed in the chat. If you're not sure, ask a moderator.

10) If you feel there is an issue with the action of a moderator or that you have been treated unfairly, first, privately message an op, mod, etc. telling them that you would like to state an appeal. You will, temporarily, be invited into another chat as soon as possible. In that chat, you are to post ONCE. Write out a single paragraph or two as to what you felt was wrong. In that single post, state the entirety of your case in full. You will be thanked for your submission and removed from the chat a while later. DO NOT POST IN THAT CHAT MORE THAN ONCE, edit your previous post if need be. It is suggested that you keep posts of logs and the like to a minimum, as shorter appeal posts are likely to be reviewed more favorably. Afterwards, multiple mods will read your statement and make a decision. If successful, whatever ban or whatever it is you are appealing will be lifted. If you are upset because you were kicked from the chat for a few hours, eat more fiber. THIS PRCOCESS MAY TAKE A DAY OR TWO SO PLEASE BE PATIENT.


In the event that you do not comply with the requests of a moderator or violate one of the rules above, you will receive a strike. Continued refusals to comply or generally rash behavior will result in additional strikes. Upon reaching a total of 3 strikes within a 48 hour period, a user will likely recieve an SFGHQ warning point, both, on the forums and within the chat, as well as a temp ban from the chat for an hour or two.

The warning point system functions the same as on the original SFGHQ warning point system. 3 points is a temp ban from the forum as is 4, with 5 resulting in permanent banishment. Warning points decrease over time. Forum bans apply to the chat, so yes, if you get so many strikes so often that you rack up 3 warning points, you WILL be banned from BOTH.

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